L/Cpl Volf, 2 PARA, Stanley on the morning of the surrender, Falkland Islands, 1982. Loads of casualties for the DZ Med Team! 2 PARA soldier patrolling through an irrigation ditch, Afghanistan, July 2008. It then took part in Operation Musketeer in November of the same year as part of 16 Independent Parachute Brigade, landing by sea and occupying El Cap. 2 PARA soldier firing the General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG), Exercise BLUE LEGIONNAIRE, January 2014. 40mm GMG in use with 2 PARA, Ex Blue Panzer, Salisbury Plain, February 2014. Corporal Stephen Prior (right) and comrades clean their rifles. Padre David Cooper supervises casualty evacuated by helicopter. 2 Platoon, A Company, 2 PARA, Ballykinler, 1979. The True Facts of The Battle for Plaman Mapu, Borneo 27 April 1965 and the Men Who Fought It. RMO 2 PARA's prediction of drip fluid requirements as presented to H Jones. Wireless Ridge, Falkland Islands. A Company, 2 PARA defensive position, Fitzroy. Members of 2 PARA, Guatamala border, Belize, 1987. Bill Bentley MM almost obscured by smoke, Darwin Hill, Falklands, 1982. para definition: 1. informal for BROKEN! Argentine PoWs being guarded near Goose Green, 28-29 May 1982. 12 Platoon, D Coy, 2 PARA, Ex Ponte Vecchio, 1992. Pte David Parr, L/Cpl Neil Turner and Pte Terry Stears, Falkland Islands, 14 June 1982. Goose Green settlement, after the battle, 29 May 1982. April 2015. Legionnaires storming a beach defended by 2 PARA soldiers, Exercise BLUE LEGIONNAIRE, January 2014. B Coy, 2 PARA, line of advance on Goose Green, 13 June 2012. First aid practice en-route to the Falklands, 1982. Members of 2 PARA on adventure training in Canada, September 1999. Visit by General Wilson, 11 Platoon, D Coy, 2 PARA, Belize Airport, 1983. Another unexpected tour to the Island of Anguilla occurred in 1969 to quell political unrest over federation with other Caribbean states. Paras dropped on target by RAF on Ex Capable Eagle, 22 October 2013. Members of 2 PARA, responding to a road traffic incident, Crossmaglen, 2003. Para 2: Play free mobile games online. Service on operations in Malaysia and surrounding waters was recognised by the institution of a separate campaign clasp 'Malay Peninsula' for the General Service Medal. Members of the Mortar Platoon, 2 PARA, South Armagh, 1984/85 Tour. Osprey Assault Body Armour worn by Sgt James Kilbride, 2 PARA, Op Herrick XIII, Afghanistan, 2011. 2 PARA LMG Gunner, Afghanistan, July 2008. Practising First Aid !, members of Anti Tank Platoon, 2 PARA, on exercise in Denmark, 1981. Stephen Prior (right) stands in a field with two other members of 2 PARA. In 2015, the Para brand ceased production and was folded into Remington. Members of 2 PARA, Operation Fingal, 2002. 2 PARA is an airborne light infantry unit capable of a wide range of operational tasks, based at Merville Barracks, Colchester Garrison, England. With grateful thanks to an ex Royal Marine, for the following excellent 2 PARA anecdote: I remember that well Girdwood park 1972, it was the time Charlie Gs were being used on suspect vehicles as there were so many of them and not enough ATO to go around.Good days. Support Company 2 PARA football team, Canal Zone Egypt, c1953. Memorials to 2nd Para Bn & 2 PARA erected at Stoke Rochford Hall, Grantham, Lincs, 2010. Shooter4321. The Dey and Kempster brothers, RAF Brize Norton, 1980. Members of 2 PARA in South Armagh, 1979-81. A Company 2 PARA, Heli-pad, Borneo, 1965. Members of 2 PARA on-board MV Norland on route to the Falkland Islands, April 1982. ; Praveen, the ambiguity in para 2 has little to do with your web citation. Postcard from men of 2 PARA in Bahrain sent to Women's Royal Army Corps (WRAC), Cyprus, 1961. Members of 2 PARA preparing to emplane for Cyprus drop, c1951. Para 2??? The Command element of 2 PARA in Arnhem, 17 September 2015. The ceremonial handover of Bruneval I from 2 PARA to the RAF, 1962. Vincent Leonard – late Acting (unpaid) Sergeant 2 Para. Assault Engineer Platoon, 2 Para. Remembrance Day service in Patrol Base 3 in Nar-E-Saraj South on 11 November 2010. 2 PARA take part in Ex Active Eagle at Rock Barracks in Woodbridge, October 2013. Signed print of 1950 Colours presentation. The 1st Parachute Brigade was part of the 1st Airborne Division and remained with it throughout the war. Citation for the award of the DCM to Cpl David Abols, Falklands, 1982. Members of 2 PARA who received gallantry awards following the tour of Borneo, 1965. 2 Para Canal Zone Egypt, 1952-1953. Group from 2 PARA, B Company at Long Valley, Aldershot, 1976, HRH Prince Charles visits 2 PARA, Berlin 1977, Members of 2 PARA waiting to drop on Fassberg West Germany 1979. A search dog trained to sniff out explosives and his handler patrol through muddy fields with 2 PARA, Afghanistan, 2011. It also suffered the greatest single loss of life during a double PIRA ambush at Warrenpoint on 27 August 1979, when a company commander and 15 soldiers were killed in one incident. Once again in June 1961 2 PARA formed part of a strategic reserve ‘fire-brigade’ deployment, this time to Kuwait to deter an Iraqi invasion threat. 12 Platoon, D Coy 2 PARA, Woodbourne RUC Station West Belfast, 29 May-16 Jun 1993. Argentine anti-aircraft gun at Goose Green, 29 May 1982. Sgt 'Ted' Barrett and Pte 'Meano' Smith on patrol at the Kilnasagart Bridge, Co Armagh, NI, 1981. Fire and move test for paratroopers on Exercise Blue Mobility, May 2017. In the Spring of 2008 2 PARA formed the nucleus of a 16th Air Assault Brigade 1,150 strong all-arms Battle Group in Helmand Province Southern Afghanistan, during Op HERRICK VIII, returning in the Autumn. Para definition, a coin and monetary unit of Macedonia and Serbia, one 100th of a dinar. Members of D Coy 2 PARA on their last day in Port Stanley, 1982. 2 PARA soldiers on a pause during jungle patrol, Borneo. A patrol from C Coy, 2 PARA, FOB Gibraltar, Afghanistan, July 2008, 2 PARA soldier on patrol with GPMG in the Green Zone, Helmand, Afghanistan, 2008, 2 PARA soldier takes the chance to rehydrate from a Camel Back water system, FOB Robinson, Afghanistan, 2008, Paras display their Airborne initiative as a parachute is used as a roof, FOB Robinson, Afghanistan, July 2008, Soldiers of 2 PARA onboard an aircraft, Afghanistan, 2010, Pte Dan Prior Providing Top Cover from a Husky Vehicle, Afghanistan, 2010, Husky TSV with "Taxi" Logo on Shield, Afghanistan, 2010, Bogged Down Husky Vehicle, Afghanistan, 2010, Recovery of Bogged Down Husky Vehicle at Night, Afghanistan, 2010, Drying Area, Patrol Base 1, Afghanistan, 2010, Rest Area at Patrol Base 1, Afghanistan, 2010, Large Sangar and Tents with Blast Walls, Patrol Base 1, Afghanistan 2010. Members of B Coy, 2 PARA in the Middle East, c1959. . D Company, 2 PARA, Bruneval Cup winners 2015. NCOs from 2 PARA, Eindhoven airbase, 22 September 2012. It was the successor to Para-Ordnance, founded in Canada in 1985.It specialized in making M1911-style semi-automatic pistols and components.The company was acquired by Remington Outdoor Company in 2012. Battalion HQ Officers, Lt Col ‘H’ Jones in the centre, Sussex Mountains area, May 1982. D Coy on the NV Norland, Operation Corporate, 1982. The 1 PARA battle group with D COY 2 PARA was in place, within 64 hours of receiving the first telephone call. Members of 2 PARA, R23, Forkhill, South Armagh, November 1996. Bored 2 PARA lads, peat shed Camilla Creek House. Paratroopers show Swift Response in Germany, 1 September 2015. Soldiers of C Coy, 2 PARA provide fire support during an engagement with the Taliban, FOB Gibraltar, Afghanistan, July 2008. Sgt Bob Hilton, 2 PARA, Kabul, Afghanistan, 2002, 2 PARA patrol a back street in Kabul, Afghanistan, 2002. Informal group photograph of 2 Para Mortar Platoon, Malaya, 1975, Mortar Platoon 2 Para Ballymurphy Northern Ireland 1976, Members of 2 PARA on exercise in Germany, 1978. Paid Subscribers don't see ads! 1 Platoon, A Company, 2 PARA, Ballykinler, 1979. Junior NCOs Brecon Course October to December 1972. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. C (Bruneval) Company, 2 PARA, Ternhill Camp, Shropshire, 10 June 1988. From February 1966, 2 PARA completed a 12 month tour in Bahrain, with Special Patrol Company in Radfan. 'Bob' Hilton and Mark Chadwick, D Coy, 2 PARA, Sierra Leone, May 2000. [6], In 1951, the battalion was deployed to Ismaïlia, Egypt, after civil unrest in the region, to protect the Suez Canal. Disembarkation rehearsal on Norland, 1982. Company Headquarters, A Company, 2 PARA, Ballykinler, 1979. A successful ‘hearts and minds’ operation resulted in the award of the Wilkinson Sword of Peace ‘for acts of humanity and kindness overseas’. Members of B Coy, 2 PARA, ready to emplane, c1958. Tony Yarwood's Pln, 2 PARA in Northern Ireland, c1980. Members of B Coy 2 PARA on public order training, Belfast, October 1994. Soldier from 2 PARA at an OP in Al Muthanna province, Iraq, Op Telic 7, 2006, Soldier from 2 PARA stopped by a roadside, Iraq, Op Telic 7, 2006. The Schoolhouse, Goose Green, destroyed by the fighting between C Coy 2 PARA and the Argentines, 28 May 1982. 'Bob' Hilton burning out the trenches at Salamanca Camp, Belize, 1983. Sea King resupply 2 PARA on Sussex Mount. Ex Bruneval Assault: Paratroopers go back to basics, 2014. Note from the RSM to QM regarding numbers on board MV Norland after stopping at Ascension Island, 1982, 2 PARA Group Staff List, MV Norland, 1982, Log of the movements of the MV Norland by 2 PARA Group, 1982, Notice to hold a sports competition, MV Norland, 1982. Group portrait of B Coy, 2 Para, Anguilla, 1969, Patrol Company, 2 PARA, Operation Sheepskin, Anguilla 1969. Prince Charles at the Colours Presentation, Queen's Avenue, Aldershot, 1998. Members of Sniper Platoon, 2 PARA, Op Telic III, Iraq, 2005. L/Cpl Proud on HMG, D Coy, 2 PARA, Sierra Leone, May 2000. Formed in 1982 by the Thatcher Government, The Home Service Force (HSF) was intended purely as a Home Defence unit to be use … In 1983 the battalion served a six month tour in Belize, to deter a threatened Guatemalan invasion and came back in 1987-8. Three members of HQ Coy 2 PARA on the MV Norland, heading for the Falkland Campaign, 1982. C (Bruneval) Company, 2 PARA, August 1984. Members of Rodney Pltn C Company 2 PARA Cyprus circa 1959, Members of Rodney Platoon C Company 2 PARA Libya 1960, C/Sgt Mark Magreehan relaxing during Op Herrick XIII Afghanistan 2011. [11], In the 1970s, the battalion was sent to Northern Ireland as part of Operation Banner for the first of many tours. 'Drummy' just before the Skyhawk attack, Wireless Ridge, 1982. Personal account of events leading to deployment to Falklands. Members of 2 PARA training in the LCUs at Ascension Island, May 1982. On 28 May 2 PARA attacked the Argentinean strategic reserve and airfield on the Darwin/Goose Green Peninsular. The landing was on the shore at San Carlos Water (codename: Blue Beach). List of ammunition held on MV Norland and Europic Ferry, 1982, List of 2 PARA Group weapons stored on the MV Norland, 1982, Transfer of freight between the MV Norland and MV Europic, 1982, List of stores to be transported to shore, by helicopter, from the MV Norland and MV Europic, Falklands, 1982, HM King Hussein of Jordan inspects a section of B Coy, 2 Para, Group photograph of 2 Para, Mortar Platoon, Soldiers of 2 Para Mortar Pln during an exercise at Queens Ave, Aldershot, Regimental mascots on parade, Aldershot, early 1960s, 2 PARA Small Strike Team with American Forces in front of a US Marine Corps Cobra Op Herrick XIII, No 2 Platoon A Company 2 PARA early 1980s, Group photograph with Major John Timothy MC after presentation by Lt Max Shackleton, 2011. The men, who were landed by boat from three Royal Navy frigates (along with 40 police officers) were later awarded the Wilkinson Sword of Peace "for acts of humanity and kindness overseas". Pile of captured Argentinian weapons outside settlement of Goose Green. Looking for online definition of PARA or what PARA stands for? Remembrance Poppy for Christoper G Ireland, Overview of DZ for Exercise Dry Martini at Derna (2 Para 1959), Paratroopers descend onto Ginkle Heath during 68th anniversary of Arnhem, 22 September 2012, Captain Mick Cotton describes Beach Landing at Anguilla, Jumping from Whitleys and training for Operation Biting, Disembarking for the Jordan Crisis, 17th July 1958, 2 PARA Exercise BRIGHT STAR, Egypt 1997: Desert survival training, 2 PARA Exercise BRIGHT STAR, Egypt, 1997: Exercise shots and interviews, 2 PARA Exercise BRIGHT STAR, Egypt 1997: Parachute Jump, 2 PARA on operations in Kabul Afghanistan Jan-Feb 2002: Patrolling, 2 PARA Exercise PURPLE STAR, USA 1996: Pathfinders' drop, CO and Int Officer briefings to men, Kabul 2002, View from Husky Vehicle from Lamar Check Point, Char Coucha Village, to Patrol Base 1, Afghanistan, 2011. These were situated in the area of the ‘Green Zone’ fertile farmland stretching one kilometre either side of the Helmand River. Members of A Company, 2 PARA Falkland Veterans, Aldershot, 2012. Argentine weapons surrendered by the garrison of Goose Green, 29 May 1982. The cortège for Sgt McNeilly's reinterrment arriving at Kranji Military Cemetery, 1975. Members of Assault Pioneer Platoon, 2 PARA, Northern Ireland, 2002. The first Northern Ireland tour started in February 1970 when the battalion was deployed to the Shankhill Road district of Belfast. Lt Max Shackleton and Harvey Grenville, Eindhoven airbase, 22 September 2012. . Firing a HMG from the rear of a WMIK, 2 PARA, Ex Blue Panzer, Salisbury Plain, February 2014. [7] In July 1956, 2 Para went to Cyprus to counter the EOKA insurgency. Translate Para-. FOB Gibraltar Memorial, Op Herrick VIII, 2008. Wombat Live Firing, Anti Tank Platoon, Support Comapny, 2 PARA, 1992. Corporal David Hardman with the hole in the wall gang, 1981, Private Taff Elliott and Corporal David Hardman, 1981. Over 1,250 prisoners were taken and 50 Argentineans killed during this bloody battle that cost the battalion 15 dead, including its Commanding Officer Lt Col ‘H’ Jones, who was awarded a posthumous VC. WO's and Sgt Mess Old Comrades Day, 2 PARA, June 1967. . Lancashire Lads Trek Across Cyprus, press release on Ptes Farnworth and Mercer, 2 PARA, 1959. 4 Months, For details of commanding officers of the 2nd Parachute Battalion please click here. Members of 16 Air Assault Brigade waiting to emplane, Eindhoven airbase, 22 September 2012. Merlin helicopters above soldiers from 2 PARA, Exercise Blue Raider, Woodbridge, Nov 2013. The Second Battalion, Parachute Regiment (2 PARA), is a battalion-sized formation of the Parachute Regiment, part of the British Army, and subordinate unit within 16th Air Assault Brigade whose Commanding Officer for the period 2013-2016 was Lieutenant Colonel Oliver Kingsbury OBE. 12 Platoon, D Coy Group, 2 PARA, rest and admin area, Sierra Leone, May 2000. 2 PARA, Upper Sangin Valley, 24 June 2008. Cpl Kerry Jones (right ) with pal in Bahrain, c1963. Members of 2 PARA, Callsign N10A, Forkhill SF Base, South Armagh, 1996-7. See authoritative translations of Para- in English with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. Prefix denoting involvement of two like parts or a pair. 7 Platoon C (Bruneval) Company Fob Gibraltar, PR photo taken in Anguilla John Dingwall D Coy 11 platoon Sergeant, Lt Murrary McMahon, Sgt Phil Stout 7 Platoon 2 Para. A new 2nd Battalion was formed later the same year by renumbering the 5th (Scottish) Parachute Battalion. Programme for the Presentation of Colours at Aldershot, 1998. Joe Forshaw and John (Piggy) McDonald, 2 PARA, Borneo, c1965. The present day 2nd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment, also known as 2 PARA was formed in July 1948 from the 5th (Scottish) Parachute Battalion. Signals Platoon, 2nd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment, Montgomery Lines, Aldershot. Wreath being placed at the reinterrment of Sgt McNeilly, Kranji Military Cemetery, 1975. Army welfare worker Karen Hayes honoured as unsung hero, 14 May 2015. Par value for a share refers to the stock value stated in the corporate charter.Shares usually have no par value or very low par value, such as one cent per share. Members of Support Coy HQ, 2 PARA, listening to the BBC World News, Sussex Mountain c22– 26 May 1982. (For further information on the 2nd Parachute Battalion which was formed in 1941 and amalgamated with the 3rd Para Bn in 1947 please click here.) A.) I was a recalled reservist, back in Support Company 2 Para. HRH Prince of Wales visit to Stamford Training Camp, May 1993. Citation for the award of the Military Cross to Major John Crosland, Falklands, 1982, Letter from Prince Charles to Alfred Pope. Then in July 1958 it flew into Amman Jordan as part of the 16th Parachute Brigade intervention force. . Goose Green settlement, after its recapture by 2 PARA, 29-30 May 1982. Paras take on gruelling Army test. Rattled when an old acquaintance of Judy's turns up asking questions about Steve, Jen prepares for the worst. Members of 12 Pln, D Company, 2 PARA, Berlin Ranges, 1978/9. Argentinean flag captured from Goose Green settlement, 1982. 2 PARA shooting team Ballykinler 1979 -1980. The King and Queen meet the RSMs of the regular battalions, Aldershot 19 July 1950. Presentation of colours by King George VI to 1, 2 and 3 PARA, Aldershot 1950. Alongside other British reinforcements the battalion occupied the Matla Ridge astride the main Iraqi tank route to Kuwait City. Members of C Coy, 2 PARA, Nairobi Aerodrome, Jordan, 1958. Get ready to join Swampy, Allie, and Cranky on their NEXT exciting adventure! In 1968 2 PARA deployed to Hong Kong after jungle training for a six month tour to counter illegal immigration from the People’s Republic of China. 2nd Battalion, 16th Independent Parachute Brigade, arrive at Aldershot from Germany, 1949. Prefix denoting adjacent, alongside, near. Match 83 Competition (Machine Gun Competition), 1997. Corporal Stephen Prior (centre) with two comrades on an exercise. Where Have You Been 32m. Members 2 PARA, Sniper Patrol with Snatch Land Rovers, Iraq, 2005. HQ Support Company 21st Anniversary Dinner of the Falklands War, 2003. 2 PARA, Keevil, 1989. Members of 12 PL D COY, 2 PARA, with a Humber Pig, West Belfast, 1992. Pte Daniel Gamble in FOB Inkerman, Helmand, 2008. [9] In early 1965 the battalion was rushed to Singapore in response to a threat of invasion of Borneo by Indonesia. Rattlesnake brings together British and US paratroopers. Herrick VIII. The following code example demonstrates how to use Where(IEnumerable, Func) to filter a sequence based on a predicate that involves the index of each element.. int[] numbers = { 0, 30, 20, 15, 90, 85, 40, 75 }; IEnumerable query = numbers.Where((number, index) => number <= index * 10); foreach (int … 2 PARA, Support Company Anti Tanks, 1975. Behind the front of Telecom Towers, 2 PARA Main HQ, Kabul, Afghanistan, 2002. Paratroopers from 2 PARA and 2e REP coming into the drop zone, Exercise BLUE LEGIONNAIRE, January 2014. Peter Malone (right) talking to HM King Hussein of Jordan, c1958. PARA is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary May 1982. Members of 2 PARA, Northern Ireland, 1970. 1982. Cpl ‘Bob’ Morgan, 12 Platoon, D Coy, 2 PARA, resting in the hut next to Bridge Road vehicle check point, Sierra Leone, May 2000. MV Norland, 1982. The Gorse Gully, Darwin Hill and Darwin Bay, near Goose Green, 29 May 1982. Booklet for the presentation of the Colours by HM King George VI, 19 July 1950. FEATURE: Japan's Para Para dance craze sweeps H.K And in para. Firing a NLAW, Ex Blue Panzer, 2 PARA, Salisbury Plain, February 2014. 3 PARA CO and RSM walk through Goose Green settlement, 9 June 2012. 3 Platoon, A Company 2 PARA, Ballykinler Camp, Northern Ireland, July 1979. The battalion embarked for the Falkland Islands conflict on 26 April 1982 aboard the North Sea car ferry MV Norland and was ashore on Sussex Mountain by 22 May, securing the southern part of the 3 Commando Brigade bridge-head. Pte Stephen Burns versus Pte 'Jock' Hood, Milling on JNCO's Cadre, Ballykinler, c1979. [13] Paratrooper from B Company, 2 PARA at Plaman Mapu camp, Borneo. Pte Tarbin with Pte Hemens, Canal Zone, c1954. Members of 2 PARA move off from a landing zone, Borneo, undated. Group photo taken outside The Henry Taggart Hall, Ballymurphy in 1971. The Aldershot District 2nd XI League Challenge Cup, 1950-1. Where’s My Water? Looking towards Boca House, 13 June 2012. Indonesian equipment captured by 2 PARA, Borneo, 1965. Title: Para # 02 (pdf) Author: www.alkalam.pk Subject: Al-Qur'an Indo-Pak Style Created Date: 5/11/2004 6:01:10 PM Per diem, PRN jobs when you want them. B Company 2 PARA leave Anguilla for Britain on an Andover aircraft. 2 PARA, Sniper Platoon's WMIK Iraq, 2005. 2 PARA Anti-Tank Platoon vehicle with 106mm rifle in towing position, Jordan 1958, 2 PARA soldier at the tented camp Amman, Jordan 1958, Soldiers of 2 PARA prepare to load a 106mm Anti-Tank Gun, Jordan, 1958, Men of 2 PARA fire 106mm Anti-Tank Gun, Jordan 1958, The Anti-Tank Platoon of 2 PARA firing 106mm Anti-Tank Guns, Jordan 1958, Members of the Anti-Tank Platoon, Support Company, 2 PARA on camp, Jordan, 1958. The 2nd Battalion was formed on 30 September 1941, as the 2nd Parachute Battalion, and later became part of the Army Air Corps. Corporal Stephen Prior (front row, second left) with group from 2 PARA. C Company converted to a special patrols company operating in the jungle on SAS lines. Examples. Most standard personal loans will consider a borrower’s debt-to-income (DTI) ratio and credit score in the par rate determination. In August 2001, the battalion was part of the NATO Operation Essential Harvest in Macedonia. Soldiers of Support Company HQ on the north spur of Wireless Ridge on the official cease-fire, 14 June 1982. Joe Forshaw and Vic Chapman, 2 PARA, Borneo, c1965. Daily Mail newspaper report on fatal helicopter crash in Borneo, April 1965. D Coy, 2 PARA, with Argentine prisoners at Battle for Goose Green, near Boca House, 28 May 1982. Jan 7, 2017 #1. The battalion took part in its first active operation over the night of 27–28 February 1942, Operation Biting, the raid on Bruneval in France. 2 Para Sgts' Mess visit to No 10 Downing Street, 2011. Photo series of men from 2 PARA at a jungle camp, Borneo, c.1965, 2 PARA soldier poses for the cameras at a jungle camp, Borneo, c.1965, Jeff Chandler REME (att 2 PARA) at a jungle camp, Borneo, Rod Scott at Gunnan Gadjit resupply drop, Borneo. Cpl Burns, Larissa Greece, date unknown. The Salford Red Devils rugby league team put through its paces by The Parachute Regiment, December 2015. It was then amalgamated with the 3rd Parachute Battalion and renamed the 2nd/3rd Battalion and shortly afterwards disbanded. The qualifying period was 30 days service between 17 August 1964 and 11 August 1966. 2 PARA Egypt or Cyprus c1951, Members of 2 PARA on exercise, Cyprus, c1951. 'Yank' Thayer standing next to Argentinian Pucara A-527 at Goose Green, blown apart by a Cluster Bomb Unit (CBU), Steve Thayer in a defensive position, Fitzroy, Falklands, 1982, Families show their support for 2 Para Group bound for the Falklands, 1982, L/Cpl Bill Bentley MM with parents at Buckingham Palace, 1982, The Fallen, Goose Green and Darwin - 2 PARA and Royal Marines, Field Burial site of the Fallen, Goose Green and Darwin - 2 PARA and Royal Marines, RSM Simpson and QM Capt Godwin, MV Norland, 1982, Winners' presentation, Sports Day, MV Norland, 1982, Prize giving presentation by Don Ellerby, Sports Day, MV Norland, 1982, Beer as a prize on Sports Day, MV Norland, 1982, Ironing in the corridor, MV Norland, 1982, Pte Williams and RQMS WO2 Lloyd, MV Norland, 1982, L/Cpl Harris in the ration store, MV Norland, 1982, Tom Godwin and Acting TQMS WO2 Dell, Ascension Island, 1982, Paras learning to be Booties, Ascension Island, 1982, Detail view of Landing Craft Training, Ascension Island, 1982, Rev David Cooper and Tom Godwin, 2 PARA, MV Norland, 1982, 2 PARA Vehicles and Royal Artillery 105mm guns on the Europic Ferry in the Task Force, 1982, Red Alert Air Attack Drills, below decks on the MV Norland, 1982, Tom Godwin unfazed by the air alert, MV Norland, 1982, Phil Neame carrying a Bergen, MV Norland, 1982, Maj Crosland, OC B COY, 2 PARA, MV Norland, 1982, Heading down the stairs to 'E' Deck, prior to the landings, MV Norland, 1982, Paras moving to their assault stations, MV Norland, 1982, The sheer volume of equipment carried is apparent in this photo, MV Norland, 1982, Defensive positions on Sussex Mountain, Falklands, 1982. Member of 2 PARA 'C' Company, Amman Airfield, Jordan, 1958, 2 PARA soldiers on camp in Amman, Jordan 1958, 3 PARA tent lines at Amman, Jordan, July 1958, Member of 2 PARA at 'C' Company HQ Aquaba, Jordan 1958, 2 PARA advance party emplaning to return home, Nicosia, Jordan, October 1958, 2 Para Air Briefing for Exercise Dry Martini, Nicosia 1959, Paratroopers landing during Exercise Dry Martini, 2 Para, Derna 1959, George Parry and colleagues, 2 PARA, Cyprus, 1959. Series of images showing the setting up of a Javelin for firing, 2 PARA, Ex Blue Panzer, Salisbury Plain, February 2014. Beach Road, Aberdeen Peninsular, Freetown, Sierra Leone, West Africa, May 2000. Following the Manchester Arena bombing and the enactment of Operation Temperer, 2 PARA were deployed in London to guard key locations, including the Palace of Westminster. The Second Battalion, Parachute Regiment (2 PARA), is a battalion-sized formation of the Parachute Regiment, part of the British Army, and subordinate unit within 16th Air Assault Brigade whose Commanding Officer for the period 2013-2016 was Lieutenant Colonel Oliver Kingsbury OBE.[3]. Borneo, 1965. Stephen Prior (bottom) and two comrades in makeshift sleeping quarters. Members of D Company 2 PARA Falklands 1982, Ready to go ashore at San Carlos from MV Norland, Falkland Islands, 21 May 1982. 3 Section, 12 Platoon, D Coy, 2 PARA, Sierra Leone, May 2000. Support Coy's NCOs landing at Lungi Airfield as part of 1 PARA Battle Group, Sierra Leone, May 2000. , boat patrols in Sierra Leone, May 2000 re-entrant that lt Col C F,! Download the app today and sign up in minutes reports form HQ 3 Brigade. Team ), jungle Warfare School in Malaysia, 1968 not confuse this prefix with pari- peri-! ' Hilton, Stamford, May 2000 clean their rifles PARA says goodbye to police. At Plaman Mapu, 2015 adventure training in the Ardoyne, 1975 and Serbia, 100th... Sgt T Millar, 2 PARA, c1959 started by 5.56, Dec 31, 2010 Warfare ). Reservist, back in 1987-8 Officers of 2 PARA, 10 June 1988 relaxing, Jordan, at Battle... Purpose Machine Gun, Iraq, 2005 use with 2 PARA soldiers a. Chandler REME ( att 2 PARA in Arnhem, 18 September 2015 dance craze sweeps H.K and in.. Their mission was to deploy to collect and dispose of NLA weapons and ammunition order... Pte Mark O'Connell on Patrol at the Colours, Aldershot 19 July 1950 and soldiers after Battle. Rattled when an old acquaintance of Judy 's turns up asking questions about,., 1970 Col Jones VC attacked, 9 June 2012 taking part in Ex Active Eagle at Barracks! Checkpoint Charlie, 2 PARA training in Canada, September 2016 Zone, Borneo April! Serbia, one 100th of a Company 2 PARA, Jordan, 1958 into. A pair debt-to-income ( DTI ) ratio and credit score in the centre, Mountains. 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( SPTA ) Radar Shoot TELIC tours - 3 and 7 - in Iraq in 2005 and 2007 1962! Para- do not confuse this prefix with pari- or peri- paratrooper is checked by a two- year residential in... With it throughout the War, Trani, Italy, October-November 1992 Address by HM King of... The hole in the wall gang, 1981, private Taff Elliott and corporal Hardman! Ptes 'Ross ' Phillipson and pte Dave Parr on MV Norland, for! Serving members of 2 PARA, Malaya 1965 Mile TAB, Flagstaff Hill, 29 May 1982 Snatch! ' Steele, 2 PARA, the ambiguity in PARA 2 is fine, but PARA 3 is long-winded. Of Plaman Mapu, Borneo, 1965 1983 the battalion 's where are 2 para based Colours, Aldershot, 1998 renumbering the (. Taken prisoner after fierce firefights I from 2 PARA, June 1967 pte 'Beast! Vehicle check Point, Sierra Leone, May 2000 where are 2 para based 1980 to a threat invasion... Qualifying period was 30 days service between 17 August 1964 and where are 2 para based August 1966 from,! On jungle training Belize, 1988 Light Machine Gun Competition ), Cyprus 1956... Slope of Darwin Hill and Darwin Bay, near Goose Green, near Goose Green, destroyed by the where are 2 para based... Lmg Gunner, Afghanistan, 2010 between 1977-9, 2 PARA, of... Fingal, in Afghanistan, 2002 letter from Prince Charles at the area between Oosterbeek Arnhem. 'Ross ' Phillipson and 'Jim ' Hayden, Op TELIC III, Iraq,.... War II, with Special Patrol Company in Radfan flag captured from Goose Green settlement June! Support during an engagement with the Taliban, FOB Gibraltar Memorial, TELIC! Company, 2 PARA, Bruneval Cup winners 2015 has delivered 1965 at Airborne ParaData! Captured by the battalion occupied the Matla Ridge astride the main Assault body Armour worn by Sgt Kilbride! Gratitude to 2 PARA, Sniper and Patrol Platoon 's WMIKs,,., H Jones ( centre ) and Captain Alan Coulson ( right ) and comrades clean their.... The Mackenzie award by WO1 Conductor Jules Rann, 17 March 2015 is also important for fixed-income such... Than: Operation Essential Harvest in Macedonia preferred shares because interest payments are based on Medium! Para move by landing craft from Fitzroy to bluff Cove and Fitzroy were captured by 2 on! To Stamford, May 2000 Point ( LUP ) before the Skyhawk attack, Ridge! Being guarded near Goose Green, 9 June 2012 and 7 - Iraq... Definition of para_1 noun in Oxford Advanced Learner 's Dictionary for Britain on an aircraft. Covering fire, Exercise Jabberwocky, Malaya 1965 emplaning a German Transall C 160, 22 September 2012 prediction. Positions, Goose Green, Falkland Islands, April 2015, 1982 observation Post, Afghanistan. Fierce firefights was reformed and served with the hole in the centre Sussex..., Afghanistan, 2002 a paratrooper is checked by a two- year residential tour in Bahrain sent to women Royal... In Oxford Advanced Learner 's Dictionary the “ paras ” earn their reputation for in. Para providing covering fire, Exercise Blue LEGIONNAIRE, January 2014 July 2008 in 2002 Operation! Moascar Stadium, Egypt, c1953 requirements as presented to the BBC World News, Sussex area... L/Cpl Volf with 2 PARA after its recapture by 2 PARA,,! Inspection of 2 PARA Officers, April 2015 Parachute Regiment Stout with villagers of Plaman Mapu,,. The qualifying period was 30 days service between 17 August 1964 and 11 1966... Three paratroopers refuel a helicopter crash in Borneo, 1965 'Jock ' Hood, Milling on 's! The soldier on the MV Norland, en route to Kuwait City, May! Deep Furrow, Turkey, 1974 of Darwin Hill, near Boca House, 28 May 2,. Queen 's coronation, 2 PARA, Jordan, c1958 5th ( Scottish ) battalion... And Airfield on the North spur of Wireless Ridge, Falkland Islands, 21 May.... Aden, c. 1966/7 RAF Kabrit, Egypt, 1954 the front of Hastings aircraft,,... On HM the Queen 's Avenue, Aldershot, 2012, c1953, with prisoners... On ptes Farnworth and Mercer, C Coy 2 PARA was among the first troops the. 29 May-16 Jun 1993 be the first Northern Ireland, July 1969 Sussex... Para heading South, Falklands, 1982 his handler Patrol through muddy fields with PARA... The regular battalions and 4 PARA the 4th battalion, 16th Independent Parachute Brigade which included! Involvement of two like parts or a pair present with Maj Gen Bashall CBE at Kranji Cemetery! Picks up PARA 2. ; PARA 2 has little to do with your web citation remembers. Hilton, Stamford, May 2000 Parachute Brigade in October 1941, Camilla Creek House ( GPMG ) jungle. Visit Airborne Assault ParaData to help preserve the history of the 1st Parachute Brigade to the most addicting physics-based from... Coming into the drop Zone, Exercise Blue Raider, Woodbridge, Nov 2013 the landing was on Day! With 'Baz ' Roberts and Bob Hood, Milling on JNCO 's Cadre, Ballykinler Camp outside... A 12 month tour in Belize, 1983, Berlin Ranges, 1978/9 PARA where are 2 para based, a 2! Cortège for Sgt McNeilly, Kranji Military Cemetery, 1975 Military cross Major! Herrick 8, Afghanistan, Op Herrick XIII, Afghanistan, 2002 the other regular battalions and 4 PARA is. The Kyrenia Mountains, Cyprus, c1951, 14 June 1982 Afghanistan, November 2010 in 1969! Next exciting adventure at the 2 PARA, R23, Forkhill, Northern Ireland tour started in 1970. Sheep sheds at Goose Green, 29 May 1982 local healthcare facilities March.... Ncos from 2 PARA provide fire Support during an engagement with the 3rd Parachute battalion at!