You never embarrass yourself or the company you are representing. If you’re unsure, examples of strengths include communication, problem-solving, initiative, persistence, and time management. This answer is unimaginative, a no-brainer. Job Interview & Career Guide: Examples of Strengths and Weaknesses: List of Strengths and Weaknesses ; Job Bank USA: Answering "What are your Major Weaknesses" at Interview ; Writer Bio. I find it much easier dealing with people who agree with my point of view or with whom I can easily identify. Pitfall #3- Keeping Strengths Static You can use this list of strength words throughout your job search process. It's definitely one of my main strengths. Don't forget any training or refresher courses you may have taken or certificates you have earned. You find it hard to admit you have made a mistake and will often persevere with a course of action even when it isn't appropriate. Job interviews are among the most nerve-racking part of the job-search process, which is why being prepared makes all the difference. I have to admit I sometimes miss small details, but I always make sure I have someone who is detail-oriented on my team.". I'm essentially an impulsive person and act naturally without reflecting too much on where a certain choice will lead. You finish the work you are assigned and never let people down. How can I come up with some really convincing strengths and weaknesses? I am fanatical about organization and control, but realized it was really a weakness and that my need for control was becoming a prison of my own making. Once you hit your groove, nothing affects your performance levels. People admire me for being able to deal with difficult situations that other colleagues with a more fiery temperament are unable to handle. As always, one of the interview questions they'll be asked is about their strengths and weaknesses. Copyright © 2020 For example, you wouldn't say that an employee is close-minded but rather that they need to work to be more open-minded. A SWOT analysis identifies your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to assist you in making strategic plans and decisions. Here are some suggested guidelines for discussing your strengths and weaknesses in a job interview. You may want to choose which to focus on depending on the type of job you’re interviewing for. This has proved useful at work on a number of occasions... Sprints might not be your thing, but over long distances nobody can live with you. It might seem obvious, but in the right circumstances, your qualifications could turn out to be your secret weapon. There is no form of human interaction that can function without courtesy and good manners - it really is the foundation of every relationship. My professional career contains numerous examples of the benefits of this quality... You are always probing beneath the surface of things, looking for hidden motives to subject to critical scrutiny. "Maybe I could be more focused. Based in Toronto, Mary Jane has been writing for online magazines and databases since 2002. My strength is my ability to be rational: when everybody else is letting their emotions get the better of them, I stay focused. This makes you rush things, and in your haste, you overlook details and the quality of your work suffers as a consequence. There's a huge difference between hearing and listening and nobody knows this better than you; you seem to effortlessly understand people's needs. When it comes time to toot your own horn, you need to be specific. You only work well if there is a goal to be reached or somebody to beat. #1 – Formal qualifications. Have you ever, for some reason, needed a list of strengths and weaknesses? By presenting both the problem and the solution, you can transform your weakness into a strength. But the climate at work can suffer from your fierce competitiveness. As an exercise to prepare, for every strength on your list, write down a story that showcases how you effectively used that strength to accomplish something in your career. I would say my main strength is my ability to self-start. You're willing to work with others, socializing and sharing and creating a climate conducive to team-work. Make sure you can give specific examples to demonstrate why you say that is your strength if probed further. Select strengths and weaknesses which apply to you. It brings huge benefits though... You analyze the lie of the land and find the most suitable solution for every situation. As a member, you'll get career advice and job search tips sent directly to your inbox to help boost your candidacy. So use it only if it really is one of your main qualities.]. Being a perfectionist has never been a problem, though. Interpersonal skills. You're in a constant state of anxiety and the stress is causing you psychological damage. Facile explanations don't satisfy me. In the event that you are asked about strengths and weaknesses at the same time, discuss your weakness first so that you can end on a positive note. Identify the strengths that will contribute to a successful job performance. "I really can't think of a weakness," he begins. Managers and Leaders: skill planning, multitasking, ability to take priority, organized, responsible, deal with failure, learn from previous mistakes. [A word of warning: “creative” continues to be one of the most commonly used words in professional profiles. The academic strengths are inbound in you and are shown when you are in competition or when you have to show how good you are in a particular learning field.. For instance, in class, a child’s academic strength in Math can be; being able to know the multiplication table, … (Side note: Want flexibility at your new job? Start looking for potential job opportunities right away on Jobted! One of my weaknesses is that I'm stubborn. The question may seem harder than it really is. And if you were asked to do something creative, you wouldn't know where to begin. Knowing your strengths allows you to build on them and grow stronger in the areas you excel at. Below is an approach that can be considered helpful in making your list of strengths and weaknesses. What are your past achievements? You have a habit, in the midst of all the confusion, of losing track of, or forgetting important items or appointments. - V: 2020.26.0.27-801 -. This is an exercise worth doing before any interview. Yep, this is a toughie. But careful organization and more structure is helping me improve... You micromanage every little detail to make sure absolutely everything goes according to plan and find it difficult to allow others to act independently. Join Monster for free today. Carole Martin, Monster contributor. And if you are the kind of person who learns things quickly, well, that's another strength you shouldn't underestimated! Strengths and weaknesses are not just about personal characteristics. I like well-established, conventional ways of doing things. Coming up with your list of strengths is not only important for answering job interview questions. People can always count on you and your ability to be impartial. One of my weaknesses is that I'm slow. As with the strengths, each weakness is accompanied by a brief description to help you decide whether that particular flaw suits you or not. How do I say what I'm not good at without looking terrible and say what I am good at without bragging? I'm not lacking in common sense, but I definitely feel more at home when I'm trying to do something radically different. Rather than responding promptly to outside input, you simply experience it passively. What you studied at school or university, or learnt through experience, might also represent an important and distinctive strength! My list of weaknesses definitely includes problems following instructions. So that's where my perfectionism works against me. But I managed to get by, and my attention level even improved... You enjoy your own company so much that you find it difficult to be around others. Chronic indecision and constant changes of mind make you incapable of following through with a decision without having second thoughts. It never seems the right time to do something - there's always a better moment just around the corner. It certainly helped when... You are able to organize your work so that nothing escapes your attention and always assign tasks their appropriate level of priority. You know what you have to do and are able to complete your work on your own initiative. But I've now worked out how to handle these situations... As far as you're concerned, one opinion is as good as another. Verbal Communication. And what is a sale after all if not a relationship between customer and company? This is the reason that writers almost always give characters, including heroes, character flaws.It is human to be weak and … Avoid interview paralysis with our advice. Well, here's your answer: a ready-made list of 50 strengths and weaknesses (with concrete, practical examples). Competition brings out the best in you. Take the time when…. Your alarm clock is your sworn enemy. Although to be honest, you're fairly sure there'll be time the day after tomorrow, too! List of strengths and weaknesses: What to say in your interview Discussing your strengths and weaknesses can be one of the most difficult parts of the job interview. Take a look right now at these examples of strengths and weaknesses and pick out the ones that work best for you! Whether it's an appointment or a project deadline, you struggle to make it for the agreed time. It is an art through which you get to understand other people, how they perceive you, your attitude and your responses to them in the moment. ... Use this list of weaknesses to help identify your areas for improvement, and remember to explain how you’re working to overcome your shortcomings. Backing up each strength or weakness with a relevant anecdote is critical to giving the interviewer the full picture of why you excel in one area, or what areas you’re working to get better in. But this can become a problem in situations where it's best to keep the chat to a minimum. How many others could say the same? INFO SHEET – Strengths And Weaknesses. At the company I work for, this proved a problem because the working environment is very chaotic and I personally found this hard to deal with. But since I'm aware of it, I'm careful to... You're unable to do something for someone else disinterestedly and instead seek personal gain at every opportunity. If you've ever been asked the question "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" Impatience is a weakness of mine. I'm unable to accept things at face value. If I had to choose a weakness, it would probably be that I'm an introvert. For each one, there is a brief explanation to help you match the strengths with your own personal and professional qualities, plus a concrete example. As far as weaknesses, I feel that my management skills could be stronger, and I am constantly working to improve them.". It's better if you possess actual certificates proving your language skills, but experience and time spent abroad may count for even more. You're willing to lend a hand to anybody who asks you, without hesitation. You're able to deal with a range of different situations and still come out on top. When asked about your weaknesses in a job interview, don't panic. We have chosen 25 personal strengths that will help you ace your next job interview. Her articles have appeared on the Simon & Schuster website and she received an editor's choice award in … You can look back at the job listing to get a sense of the job requirements. Let's get the hard part out of the way first—your weaknesses. First, look through the list and circle the strengths that you possess, and that are also important for the job you’re applying for. I have an original way of looking at and solving problems. I try to apply this rule on a daily basis as it's a real source of motivation for me. Maybe you’re writing your resume or, perhaps, you’re interviewing someone for a job. Overcome any weakness by holding on to faith & believing in yourself. On a personal and introspective note, this sort of list can be useful too. So, 50 strengths and weaknesses await you (25 strong points and 25 weak points). A list of strengths and weaknesses can help you stay connected to your truest self. If you've ever been asked the question "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" People use their traits and abilities to complete work, relate with others, and achieve goals. This complete list of strengths and weaknesses and how they present in the workplace will help you identify your own strengths and weaknesses. The better and more complex you skills are (it might be knowing how to use a software application or how to program in a specific language), the more important they will be. How would you go about replying? That was when I realized that my true strength is my competitive nature... You are objective and don't let emotions affect your decisions. I've realized though that this was becoming a weakness at work and was holding me back, so I... You take literally everything to heart, no matter what the situation, and tend to lead with your heart more than your head. I find it hard to empathize with the needs of others if they are in contrast with my own. Character weaknesses are aspects of an individual's personality and repeated behavior that have a negative impact. Because we're nice like that, we've even added a bonus section at the end…. But do you worry you might be lost for words? Instead, list the strength first, then state the associated achievement(s) to support your strengths, not as standalone items. Every single language you know could make the difference. Communication. There's nothing that can stop you from finishing what you start: you possess granite-like willpower. On the other hand, if your knowledge of a language leaves a little to be desired, it could be an excellent weakness to say you are working on. The more specific or unusual they are, the better they will help you stand out from the crowd! The way you see it, things should always stay the same. I align my personal goals with the needs of the company; my natural ambition drives me to always achieve the set objectives. In particular, one should identify the strengths that are needed for a positive outcome. Saying something is a certain way “because it is” just doesn't cut it for me. The beaten track holds no interest for you. Here you will find a list of examples of some additional strengths and weaknesses: Strengths. You can't understand how the time manages to pass so quickly and end up working like a maniac to complete the tasks you were assigned. You're unable to adjust your behaviour to suit the circumstances, or to take situations seriously. In the past I found it hard to keep it in check. Val Renault. I'm not sure which of my weaknesses has the biggest impact on my work… although, come to think of it, indecision is probably the one: if I'm given too much responsibility for making decisions, I'm racked by doubts. Assess your skills to identify your strengths. I believe that organization is critical for any successful project, which is why I have worked hard to make the ability to organize one of my greatest strengths. Where others see problems, you see solutions. I would tell myself that “you need to have chaos in yourself to give birth to a dancing star”. Everybody sees this as one of my strengths - this critical nature which makes me continually call things into question, including myself. If you find yourself in a situation where the interviewer asks you “What are your strengths and weaknesses at the same time, make sure to always start with your weaknesses and end with your strengths. Where an individual has many strengths a few weaknesses can be charming. One of the most common interview questions that most of us experienced or will experience at some point is “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”.. When addressing your weaknesses, draw upon examples relating to either skills, habits or personality traits. Exploring and understanding our personal strengths and weaknesses can be a fulfilling experience. Sometimes you're right, but you can take things too far and this may hinder your work and that of your colleagues. List of Strengths & Weaknesses + Professional Answers. I demand the best from the people around me and above all from myself. But as they really are just that - lists - they're not really all that practical. I found, however, that what helped me a lot... You experience everything as if it was an attack on your peace of mind. In fact, it's one of my key strengths. In many job interviews, information technology skills represent a key strength. These are usually stated as strengths that need to be improved. My biggest weakness is putting things off. His philosophy was to eliminate weaknesses in his players being that when all the weaknesses were gone what was left was the best that they could be. Then let the interviewer know that although you may not be perfect, you are working on any shortcomings you have. I've made mistakes in the past because of my inability to take sufficient time to sit and reflect. I realized how much this had become a weakness when our procedures were revised and I had trouble adapting. My greatest quality is that I never let difficulties get in my way. On occasions, this has led me to putting my foot down and doing things my own way. At times you lack clarity of thought and if something goes wrong, you take it personally. Thank you!You are now a Monster member—and you'll receive more content in your inbox soon. .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }. For example, there was the time when everyone wanted…. written communication skill evident in reports, correspondence. What's harder is stopping them. Instead, your mind forges new paths into unchartered territory. You throw every ounce of yourself into what you do. Your actions show spirit of initiative. Contributor . As a result, people are happy for me to lead them. But I've learned from this to... You feel unable to take the initiative, or else wait for others to do it for you. Unlike hard skills, these are skills that are … These include knowledge, proficiencies, skills, and talents. How to Discuss Your Strengths in a Nursing Interview. Your group must appoint a dealer who shuffles, deals one card to each of you and then puts the remaining cards in a pile face down on the table. Also, Francine's weakness is technically not a weakness, plus she passes the buck: Someone—not her—drops the ball, which causes her to get stressed. Knowing key strengths and weaknesses before going into a job interview can help prepare for this common interview question. I'm not always able to separate my emotions from my work and this has an effect on my ability to think clearly. If somebody tells you to do something in a certain way, you nod and then do things the way you want. I work out how to achieve success in a specific situation by applying a series of tried-and-tested processes. Here is an additional strengths and weaknesses list – Strengths – Leaders and managers: Ability to prioritize, planning skills, well-organized, multitasking and assuming responsibilities and duties. In addition to being strengths, education and experience are also, crucially, the aspects in which it is easiest to improve. My main strength is my ability to get moving and kick-start others into action. Safeguards you from mental breakdowns . A whole host of examples from my work and this may hinder your work and this has led to... 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