If you have lost your health care coverage or your COBRA insurance will end in a few months, speak to the provider about your options and pay attention to deadlines. This type of a gift just shows how much you know about your sweetheart and how much you pay attention. Also pay attention to details such as whether there is access to the property from a road, and whether the property has electricity, water and sewer access available. There's a very good reason to pay attention to these signs - they can help you make an informed decision about what to do next. If you want to give your soap as a gift, it's a good idea to pay attention to your packaging choices. Most of us really never pay attention to this kind of thing, but somebody does because the Internet is full of blurbs, blogs and opinions as to why Brad Pitt seems so much taller than he actually is. However, you will want to pay attention to the expiration dates. Pay attention to my advice, and work in the morning of your days. exclamation point is part of the word; please pay attention. When shopping for these tiles, it's important to pay attention to the details. Pay more attention to your work. 2 Please pay attention to what I am saying. Along with the calories you take in, you also need to pay attention to the nutritional quality of the food you eat, as well as your physical activity level. 3. Make sure you get a good case for the glasses you decide to buy, and pay attention to the wear of your glasses. pay meticulous attention. By painting outdoor landscapes, they are forced to pay attention to light, shadow, color, and other small details that add a sense of realism to a painting. Messages-As you write your greetings, pay attention to the message you want to send. To get the most of your shiny new smartphone, you'll want to pay attention to some of these Motorola Droid tips. Pay special attention to the subject in each sentence. When walking around the store and getting a feel for the fit of the soccer shoe, pay attention to how your heels feel. When the rash is chemically induced, you should pay attention to its possible cause so that you know how to avoid it in future. Do not pay attention to the old myth that a man must spend three month's salary on an engagement ring, which was an idea based on a successful jewelry ad campaign. Let’s examine them, so you can try them yourself. While you'll certainly want to pay attention to details, such as pattern, style, and price, don't forget about additional features as well. It's important to pay attention to your skin. And he sat down again, paying no more attentionto his daughter, who was reduced to tears. Calories - When calorie counting, it's vital to pay attention to how many calories per serving in the foods you choose to eat. 3. Parents should pay attention to a young teen who shows sudden changes in eating habits, loss of interest in usual activities, and other behavioral clues that may indicate onset of depression. If you are waiting for an opportunity to secure the lowest possible rate on a refinance it is very important to pay attention to economic conditions impacting interest rates as well as keeping your eye on daily interest rate fluctuations. What's more, when reading origami instructions, pay attention to the arrows, as they tell you which direction to fold the paper. For each conjugated form, such a sentence example is displayed. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. : failure to pay attention Examples of inattention in a Sentence Many traffic accidents are the result of driver inattention. You don't have time to pay attention to what you're locking on to because of the waves of bad guys that keep coming at you. Examples for using the conjugation of the verb aufpassen. If you purchased one of the basket-weave designs or a curled stalk plant, you'll need to pay attention to the lighting source since light is the main tool used to train plants to grow into such amazing shapes and patterns. Many translated example sentences containing "pay attention" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. The best approach for worried parents is to pay attention to the baby's needs and watch for excessive crying, unusual stomach upset or marked changes in sleep patterns. However, before you go to the effort and the expense of renting and setting up a bounce house, pay attention to the legalities involved. Why not pay attention to the eye makeup colors these lovely ladies wear as well? Does he/she pay attention to small objects and try to pick them up using his/her index finger and thumb? You know, paying attention to boys because they're paying attention to other girls is still paying attention to boys. Care for your inner-self and pay attention to its desires and ideals. Log in. All the more reason to pay attention to it. Always pay attention to diamond color when selecting a princess cut stone. Watch for changes in your bitch, ask for you vet's help if neccessary and really pay attention to the stud dog's attitude and willingness to breed. 2. Ask to see that sheet, and pay attention to the types of violations, if any, that have been marked on it. What types of things should writers pay attention to in this regard? That's why you need to pay attention to this list of downloadable PlayStation 3 games. While it may be difficult to pay attention in class, especially if your new crush is sitting nearby or there is a big dance in a few days, good listening skills can help improve your grades. Also, pay attention to body language such as fidgeting, avoiding eye contact, crossing arms, or backing away when questioned. Seniors who are fit have far fewer accidents and fewer health problems than seniors who lead a sedentary lifestyle and don't pay attention to their diet. In my opinion, we should pay more attention … Make sure to pay attention to each step carefully and, to make the room look its best, take the time to make sure every light is in the right spot. Parents should also pay attention to growths and other changes in their child's skin. When you listen to the sounds and pay attention to other artistic features in the original Star Trek, they aren't over the top, as you'd expect with a Flash Gordon or Buck Rogers style of storytelling. If you suspect gluten intolerance, make special note to pay attention to how you feel following the consumption of grains and grain products. Children between the ages of ten and 12 frequently report falling asleep in school or being unable to pay attention during class. The Japanese pay more attention to the group or the organization than to the individual. Whether the following shopping crimes happen to you or around you, it's still beneficial to pay attention and take precautions. Parents should pay attention to unexplained fevers; night sweats; or tender, swollen lymph nodes. 1 The New York Times For one thing, once the players alter the collective-bargaining agreement to allow for lawsuits against the league, the owners are going to pay attention to this issue in a hurry. Look through the stored numbers and pay attention to the last numbers called. Iemon did not pay attention to the hint. Pay attention, you who stand behind the door! The best thing you can do is to pay attention to how your child reacts to using the toilet, and also to see if there are only certain instances when your child holds back (toilets away from home, for example). Sentences with verb aufpassen. You can install a full-length mirror so that you can pay attention to your form during workouts. In the passive voice, however, the subject is no longer performing the action of the verb. If you are a teenage girl or guy who might have a drinking problem, or who has a friend who drinks too much, pay attention to some of the warning signs. Sometimes there's another area for you to jump into along with the straightaway traffic you can destroy, so it is vital to pay attention to the introduction scene right before the event that shows you what's going on. You'll increase your confidence in your ability to play basketball, perform better, and learn to pay attention to more than just the ball. notice, pay attention, take notice, take into consideration, take into account, observe, follow, comply, heed, consider, value faire attention à , tenir compte de , suivre , respecter zwracać uwagę na kogoś/coś , przestrzegać , stosować się do czegoś , uwzględniać The objection to admitting immigrants was not only to the Chinese, but extended to all Asiatics; but as a large proportion of the persons whose entrance into the colonies it was desired to stop were British subjects, and the Imperial government refused to sanction any measure directly prohibiting in plain terms the movement of British subjects from one part of the empire to another, resort was made to indirect legislation; this was the more advisable, as the rise of the Japanese power in the East and the alliance of that country with Great Britain rendered it necessary to pay attention to the susceptibilities of a powerful nation whose subjects might be affected by restrictive laws. If buying a rug that is either hand or machine knotted, pay attention to the knots per square inch. Remember that it's essential to pay attention to the content of your sheets. You may be concerned about allergies with your dog, so pay attention for any rashes or other health problems that may appear when you begin using such a collar. Inspect the electrical system and the motor with great care and pay attention to detail. Finally, pay attention to the manufacturer's instructions on taking care of your bra. And if you enjoy writing copy that captures attention, the “pitch”-style opening sentence might seem easy and fun to write. If you're on the Atkins diet or something similar, you ought to pay attention tothis study. You will find more usage examples at our website... LINGUAZZA.COM — English language discovery tool BETA. Together, all the people who pay attention to their effect on the carbon cycle and how they can reduce that come together to make a big difference to the health of the planet. Wenn ich im Unterricht aufpasse, werde ich den Test sicher bestehen. The Sun (2016) Pay attention first and the money will follow. Principals must pay attention to the concerns of these groups when making administrative decisions. Pay attention to word order! ", translation memory. The line will rise and fall and riffs will pop up at different times, so you better pay attention to where you play. Don't become so focused on the details of your wildlife painting that you neglect to pay attention to the bigger concepts of form, light, and space. While no one is suggesting you forgo your college education, it's important to pay attention to how much debt you are incurring in the process. Performance review phrases examples for attention to details to write a performance evaluation and complete your performance review form for free. Pay attention to extensive and convenient coasts. DiveAdventuresAsia.com . Listening - Can your child listen and pay attention? This progression trains students how to pay attention. By six months, he should gurgle, laugh, babble repetitive sounds and attempt to imitate them, look for the source of sounds such as a parent's voice and begin to pay attention to music. opensubtitles2. Passengers should pay attention to posted signs and the instructions of port employees: each ship's passengers are directed to a specific lot able to accommodate the expected number of vehicles for that cruise. Use a comma after the if-clause when the if-clause precedes the main clause. Times, Sunday Times (2012) Pay attention to the little fox that sneaks in after us. To bright people in finance I would say pay attention to those near you who don't have your acumen, if they have been around you long enough. Wenn Sie nicht aufpassen, könnten Sie sich die Finger verletzen. Conditional sentences are statements discussing known factors or hypothetical situations and their consequences. Always pay attention to buying comments and ratings for sellers on both eBay and Amazon, and make sure you read both company's customer service and return policies. Attention To Details Performance Review Phrases Examples. She wasn't even polite enough to pretend to, Louis called; "will you be good enough to, She must be saying something rather sensible, or they would not, When it turns into resistance, however, we must, Another Time in a sentence | Short example sentence for another time[Class 1-5], Subtleties in a sentence | Short example sentence for subtleties[Class 1-5], Inspirational in a sentence | Short example sentence for inspirational[Class 1-5], Television Show in a sentence | Short example sentence for television show[Class 1-5], Atlas in a sentence | Short example sentence for atlas[Class 1-5], Drop Around in a sentence | Short example sentence for drop around[Class 1-5], The Practice in a sentence | Short example sentence for the practice[Class 1-5], Stodgy in a sentence | Short example sentence for stodgy[Class 1-5], Density in a sentence | Short example sentence for density[Class 1-5], Offender in a sentence | Short example sentence for offender[Class 1-5]. Certain approaches may feel more comfortable for you: If you’re a natural storyteller, opening with a story might seem appealing. Lifeguards need high-quality uniforms, which is why it is important that they purchase their apparel from reputable manufacturers that pay attention to details. While you should still pay attention to formality, you usually have a little more leeway in dressing children for comfort at a September wedding than with adults. Often these suits feature only one shoulder, but this creates such an interesting focal point for the eyes that many won't even pay attention to any trouble spots of your body. We also pay attention to what people are wearing at the beaches, especially California, South Beach, the Caribbean and Brazil. Questions could be about anything in the clip (dialog, background visuals, etc), so you must pay attention to everything. 0. Kiera blinked and forced herself to pay attention. If so, chances are you have a nice, clear sentence, written in active voice. Honda is to pay attention to your distance. You should also pay attention to whether the download is PC or Mac compatible as well. Make sure you pay attention to detail when buying a custom shirt. It will be important for you to pay attention to your body so that you can notice the physiological cues to when you are ovulating. Always pay attention to where you are standing or walking when installing blow-in insulation in an attic. synonyms. Finally, pay attention to the thickness of the towel. For they do not pay attention to the argument so much as to the character of the speaker. Passengers should pay attention during each ship's mandatory boat drill (prior to leaving the embarkation port) to become familiar with emergency situations and how they will need to respond. In order to lose weight and reduce body fat, it is helpful to pay attention to your daily intake of oils and fats. Always hone your craft and pay attention to the market. exclamation point is part of the word; please pay attention. Water is usually so plentiful that we tend to not pay attention to how much we are using until the water bill comes. He was naked from the waist up and sweaty, a combination that made her sit up and pay attention. TRAVEL. You should pay attention to your child's temperature, of course, but you should pay even more attention to … Learning how to be a good kisser requires you to pay attention to her non-verbal signals. Unless you smoke, you don't pay attention to cigarettes. The ones that affect your daily life in France are the most important to pay attention to. When you do circuit training, you must pay attention to your form. Make sure its properly typeset, pay attention to detail. You need to pay attention to the position of the harness straps. Parents are often more inclined to pay attention to the meaning of middle names, as this part of a child's moniker often leaves room for the use of symbolism or at least sentimentalism. Distractibility: The child's ability to pay attention to tasks or instructions even when the child is not particularly interested in them. English words and Examples of Usage use "pay-more-attention " in a sentence You should pay more attention to your health. While they make natural born leaders, they often find it difficult to pay attention to the details of a particular task. You can't always pay attention to the size on the outfit, and you may need to use a little bit of your own judgment, since different clothing companies may size clothing differently. Whether the following shopping crimes happen to you or around you, it's still beneficial to pay attention and take precautions. Kiera blinked and forced herself to pay attention. "You Had Me at Merlot" shirt-Offered in both a t-shirt and sweatshirt, the phrase will announce to anyone who will pay attention how you feel about this easy-going red wine. As a beginner, you need to start out slowly and above all, pay attention to your body. Even if you are not signed up for newsletters, you should pay attention to when new items get added to clearance sections. Transitional Words And Phrases, Transitional Example Sentences Transitional Words And Phrases When you want to write an effective composition or a short paragraph in English, what do you pay attention to? Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Whether on a playground or in a bar, the objective is still "attention" but it's the man wanting you to pay attention to him. I hope you pay attention to your studies also, and write often to your dear mother. Most people don't pay attention to where their feet are going, so they'll be surprised when they stumble over the barrier. In fact, this is the perfect season to pay attention to fabric. While you don't need to try on a raincoat, so long as you pay attention to the measurements, it can be useful to see the fit of the shoulders and the length of the sleeves and hem. 3 Pay attention to the road signs. As always, pay attention to the consumer's return and exchange policy. Because our ability to attend to the things around us is limited in terms of both capacity and duration, we have to be picky about the things we pay attention to. Why you need to pay attention to detail take pay attention sentence examples surprised when they come you! Not to stop by the verb rules and fine print and expiration date occasion pantsuit that really is. Crash mode, pay attention to how you feel following the consumption of grains and grain.. Return and exchange policy slowly and above all, pay attention to your skin giving is toy! On it as a business owner, need to pay attention to you it. 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