It has two gorgeous Chinese Elms in the back. Mechanical damage – roots get near a foundation or utility line, & exert pressure against it. Hi Jim These are just the top offenders, though! To help cool our home’s interiors, we should be shading the late afternoon sun which is coming in at a lower angle and can enter our houses through the windows. Today I will try to answer this question. in front of the garage in the yard . Several species of Cold Hardy Palm can grow throughout most of the United States, some species grow in all 48 contiguous states if potted and t… When planted around homes, trees offer many benefits. I seriously doubt it. It gives color and impact to a shaded area. If it will make you say it is not too close, I will stop putting that gun to your head. Please advice. It is taller than me now. When paired with other large leafed plants, palm trees can build a great tropical themed privacy hedge. I revealed to make sure and it turns out to be a willow oak. There are about 2,600 species of palm trees (most tropical or subtropical). If there is going to be any time lag between purchase and planting, make sure that the tree's root ball is kept moist but not soaking. In most cases I would think 20 feet would be an adequate distance, but I would have to see the site to be verify. Try to plant your tree shortly after purchase. One of the best ways to bring a tropical vibe to your backyard paradise is planting a few palm trees. If I think 20 feet away from the house, it will almost be at the edge of my front yard – almost on the sidewalk. Some trees may grow in ways not conducive to symmetry, but palm trees are great for it. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. This does not mean that you have to freak out all the trees in your yard are reaching out and trying to destroy your house and sidewalks. I like planting trees in my garden (You might found this helpful, The tree is nicely centered between our house and garage which are 18 feet apart. The tree is currently about 6 foot tall and has a trunk of a little over 1 inch so regardless of what I need to do I still should have time to make a decision. The unique and whim… I have a very large 3 tier landscaping bed. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. My trachy is about 3 feet from my house which is still enough to keep it warm enough to survive the winter with no added heat, but more than far enough to keep it from ever getting too close to the house. Planting palm trees near a house or pool is OK, but you want to consider its mature height and width so it doesn’t encroach on something like a roof or outgrow a screened pool enclosure and potentially causing unwanted damage or expense. Hi Jim, (Photo David Grunfeld, The Times-Picayune) QUESTION: There are some big palm trees near my house… Is my concern valid? They provide beautiful shade and colors in the fall, but now we’re very worried about our house foundation, pipes, etc. Thoughts appreciated. Some are only at most ten feet from our home. Planting trees around the house is beneficial because they provide shade, decrease the air temperature by almost 20 degrees, filter the air by reducing dust, and reduce the rate of evaporation. Is it too close to the slab at 15 – 20 feet? I wrote in about a pin oak however it’s not. But they are in fact palm trees. I have a space 18 to 20 feet away from the house OR it will have to go further (I really wanted some shade for my patio, AC & deck all which sit right in the sun all afternoon). Eucalyptus tree (gum tree) Eucalyptus has many varying types, differing in height, shape, and colour, … Maples are weeds, nothing more. It looks to be about 40 feet tall. This sun also heats ours walls which can then radiate into our homes into the early evening. Remember to water thoroughly after planting a new palm. As a result, these roots simply move through the soil where there is the least resistance against their growth. The sooner the easier and cheaper. Lol, good day ..I have ..bay trees each side of my back door ..about two feet from the this ok..worried about the roots..its about 4 feet tall at the moment..please advise. When planting near distribution lines, select only small trees that will grow no taller than 25 feet at maturity. Do Paper Birch have “well behaved” roots? These trees really don’t belong anywhere near a home. Therefore in order to get the most useful shade on the house, you should place a shade tree about 20 feet from the house. Just moved to a home that has a pin oak 20 feet from the back corner of the house. Depends if you like the big tree more than the new garage. If you plant a small to medium-size palm tree, such as a needle palm (Rhapidophyllum hystrix), it is possible to locate it above underground pipes. Thank you. This makes palms an ideal houseplant, though it is obviously an enormous palm tree in the middle of your living room isn’t going to be practical! Most palms are distinguished by their large, compound, evergreen leaves, known as fronds, arranged at the top of an unbranched stem. Varieties of Palm Houseplants. Should I have it removed? Steps: 1. “How close should I plant a tree to my house?” is a question I have been getting a lot lately. – all of the tree’s have extensive root systems which help to anchor willows in their native wet environments. How far from my foundation (I have a basement) should this tree be planted? Exactly how many feet away should a Skyline honey locust be to prevent foundation damage? Certainly not like a Norway maple or willow. You may not think of a 20' palm as small...but considering that some South Florida palms grow to 80 feet or more, 20 feet seems small by comparison. Windmill palm planting often occurs in confined areas. The Delray Plants majesty palm is a popular The Delray Plants majesty palm is a popular indoor palm tree that will be an excellent addition to any decor. (The tree is from Sun Burst). What is your thought on this. They are one of the worst to plant near homes. I would not count on any root barrier keeping back a large shade tree’s roots. Bird of Paradise (Caesalpinia) "For jungle vibes," says The Sill's Eliza Blank. It’s a beautiful tree, but sadly, it is coming out tomorrow. I really like it but I’m worried about the root system getting under our foundation. With many palm trees stretching more than 20 feet tall, you may be concerned about their roots destroying your pipes. After siting your tree, you’ll need to dig a hole that’s twice the size of the diameter of the root ball, and deep enough to cover the top of the roots. I’m planting a DURA HEAT River Birch this September, how far distance do you recommend is okay (from the house)? Will it affect the structure of the house? Thank you. At the same time, very small, immature palms are so… Palms prefer a moist, humus-rich but well-drained soil, but will grow in most garden soils with the addition of compost and organic matter. Palm trees are also called as arecaceae. I love trees and want to keep it. If you are in the Pacific Northwest where they grow larger I might be more concerned. When you plant, make sure you provide the tree with a windbreak, like a perimeter wall. Trees To Plant Near A House. I just planted Tulip Poplar 20 feet away, I live on 3 acres however, as I said I put them 20 feet away. Utilized as an accent, specimen plant, patio or framing tree, and as a container plant, windmill … Should I remove the tree before I start, to prevent future issues with the garage pad. This official site of the Arbor Day Foundation provides information about planting and caring for trees, our Rain Forest Rescue and Tree City USA programs, and much more. Arrange the potted palm in the yard, then check for proper spacing and placement. They should come out. 2. From slow growing Pony Tail Palm trees to fast growing Mexican Fan Palm trees, Desert Horizon Nursery has the perfect specimen palm tree for your landscape. Norway Maple (Acer platanoides) – Large, near the surface roots are notorious for raising concrete. My 3 car garage is at the back of the yard – over 150-200 ft. Water oaks are big shade trees. About 10,000 miles. Most palms are distinguished by their large, compound, evergreen leaves, known as fronds, arranged at the top of an unbranched stem. by Baxter. What is the minimum distance I should keep between the house and the tree? Look for large water bills with no obvious explanation -- you may have a yard leak you were unaware of that causes palm roots to grow close to the lines. If you have leaking pipes within the ground, your palm's roots will gravitate toward that area. Writing professionally since 2010, Amy Rodriguez cultivates successful cacti, succulents, bulbs, carnivorous plants and orchids at home. Here are six palm trees lining a pool area. Hi, we have a clump of at least 3 amelanchier lamarkii planted about 2 feet from the house by the builders. Background: We live in southern WI and have a Skyline Thornless Honey Locust (also podless) planted 18 ft from our house foundation. Overwintering your palm trees is a simple process. Plant trees at various distances away from the house, depending upon the potential size of the tree. Your root-initiation zone recovers with new growth after transplanting the tree into another location. Trees make the soil moisture fluctuate due to taking water up. Thanks so much in advance of your reply. The Distance a tree is set from the house will control the amount of shade a tree gives in a certain area. Some trees like Japanese maples can be planted as close as a few feet away from a foundation and pose virtually no risk to the foundation. "Indoors, these usually … Hence the raised and broken sidewalks we see near some species of tree, such as Norway maples. Planting palm trees is similar, in most ways, to planting other kinds of trees. Six and half feet away from your house is closer then I would plant any tree that gets 60 feet wide. The exact number is 2,600 species. Michigan Bulb Company offers quality products for every gardener at great value prices, since 1943. Thoughts appreciated. These are mostly smaller fibrous root hairs and the smaller roots that support them. I have a silver maple tree in my back yard that’s about 10 feet from a garage that I will be having built. How to Plant a Palm Tree: 15 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow Hi Jim, It has long slender leaves. My parents have four trees in their backyard. They are right in front of our windows (dining room, den and 2 rooms on second floor). I want to plant the tree in the back yard for shade. How much of a problem is this type of tree? I live in Toronto and 2 years ago a maple tree started to grow in our backyard. "Indoors, these usually … To learn more, check this out. Thank you! Come shop the best and biggest selections for palm trees at one of our locations today! Should we cut it down or try to transplant? Pot your palm tree in potting soil that drains well. I love flowering pear trees, how close should I plant them to my house? I live in Toronto. ANSWER: Sure, you can try growing palm trees from seed. If you must have them, get them way out there away from foundations, water pipes, septic fields, and sidewalks. Some trees may grow in ways not conducive to symmetry, but palm trees are great for it. Poplars, Cottonwoods and Aspens (Populus) – nearly all have wide-spreading root systems that desperately seek out water. Thanks so much to any of you that can help with this!! I have large Manitoba Maple (elderbox) that has grown at the corner of my home. There are 3 main issues that could result from planting a shade tree too close to our house. If it is small and you can move them out to at least say 5 feet it will give them and your house a little more room to breath and develop a better form. With more and more people working and entertaining from home, it’s a great move to cultivate a vacation-ready feel in your own backyard. These sites may be helpful: I am considering purchasing a home built in the 60’s. I would be concerned if the thorns came back! Nursery-grown palms are generally sold either potted or balled and burlapped. I thought it was coincidence, but perhaps they planted there to have the optimal amounts of shade. One of the most elegant palm trees you can grow is the Canary palm tree (Phoenix canariensis). Potting mix. Will they harm the foundation ? Sorry I have no idea we don’t have a lot of those in Illinois. Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans) – Indoor Trees that Clean the Air. My question is should I cut the tree down? It makes a first class interior house plant. Indoors the Lady palm can grow up to 14ft tall. In general, tree roots grow between one and three times the width of the canopy of the tree. Hi Jim, I live in Ontario, Canada. Planting palm trees near a house or pool is OK, but you want to consider its mature height and width so it doesn’t encroach on something like a roof or outgrow a screened pool enclosure and potentially causing unwanted damage or expense. Are these large trees exceptions? If planting more than one, arrange all trees now. My question is will there be a problem with the root system concerning possible damage to the foundation and will I need to put in a root barrier to prevent any problems. If you plant a small to medium-size palm tree, such as a needle palm (Rhapidophyllum hystrix), it is possible to locate it above underground pipes. If 20 feet will make our 40 feet tree cast the most shade on our house, why couldn’t we also plant one 5 feet from our house for even more shade? Some palms in this section can grow to 20 feet. The star-shaped leaves of the Livistona chinensis sets it apart from other palms that have the more classical feathery frond leaves. A branch could fall on a house, or the tree could topple. There really is no reason to plant this invasive bully when there are so many better trees. The pad will have 12 inch footers. As well as specifics about the foundation. It makes a first class interior house plant. There are about 2,600 species of palm trees (most tropical or subtropical). It's a long process, but it's doable. From tried-and-trusted to totally unique, shop perennials, bulbs, garden kits and more. The main aesthetic reasons to plant a tree close to your house is it just looks better there. They are a distinctive and potentially wonderful indoor plant. Thank you, How far from a wall should a Plumeria be planted. Parlor Palm, also known as … Is there a depth I can plant the trunk of the tree, to get the roots to grow deeper into the ground/earth to avoid the growth putting pressure on the retention walls? What is a minimum distance for TP and not lose the benifits of a shade tree. Besides the unhappy possibility of this tree producing pods, we’ve begun to be concerned about the roots creating a problem with our concrete basement foundation. There are enough other better trees to plant in residential settings, so don’t bother with these. Fixing drainage issues is an issue I have to address myself this year. Don't set any trees directly beneath overhead wires. Thank you! It looks beautiful but concerned about the proximity. The big problem that has been now finally been brought to our attention (we are not good gardeners and lived in middle of big city with no experience) is that now people tell us our foundation of our house (our house was built in 1997) is at big risk. The ground slopes towards the building. We see the cute little plant we are putting into the ground and think it looks ridiculously small planted thirty feet away from our front door. We just purchased two Royal Red Maple Trees and I was wondering how far away from the house should we plant them so they will shad the house. I think 2 feet is enough (mostly to give the fronds a bit of room. If this a bad choice, could you recommend a tree you would plant. Now that I think about it, all of them are about the same distance away from the house. But that it will probably be LONG gone before this happens in your yard with a Burr Oak. They also run deep looking for moisture. We’ve got an Amelanchier canadensis (Shadblow Serviceberry) planted 11 feet from the house and a Blackhaw Viburnum planted 5 feet from the house. There are many benefits to planting trees in the garden. Needless to say, its autumn leaves and spring helicopter seeds all fall into my yard, adding insult to injury. It should be a prosecutable offense for anyone to plant or to foster a silver maple planted closer than 100 feet from anyone else’s property. Put together, they appear to be different plants. Planting palm trees is similar, in most ways, to planting other kinds of trees. Thank you so much for your advise in advance. These trees are probably NOT safe to plant even 20 feet away from your foundation. Definitely keep these away from your home, septic and water systems. If you need to transplant your established palm, some roots must be cut from the tree itself to prevent pipe damage. These include most smaller trees like crabapples and serviceberry as well as most conifers. In my climate at least I don’t worry about Japanese maples roots messing up foundations. Feb 22, 2017 - Explore ben lamborn's board "palm trees landscaping" on Pinterest. How Far to Plant a Tree From a Sewer Line, How to Insulate Pipes From a Condenser to an Evaporator, The Association of Bay Area Governments: ABAG's Sewer Smart Planting Guide, Northern Territory Government: Planning and Infrastructure Fact Sheet, Just Stumpgrinding: Tree Roots and Your Sewer Pipes, Real Manage: Landscaping and Pest Control in Florida, Trees That Can Be Planted Over Water Pipes. No good reason the limbs do come off at times or filtered light, gradual acclimate to. My neighbor ’ s not OK in general as it is not too close seek out water branch fall! A result, these horizontal feeders naturally grow toward moist soil for palm trees near my house… planting palm from. Distance away from the back yard, for no good reason sure you provide the is. 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