Whether your interest lies in swords, sabers, armor, medieval weapons, medieval clothing, the SCA, LARP, fantasy, Vikings, the Crusades, Hundred years war, Wars of the Roses or even the US Civil war, you will be able to find just the right piece! Tr=Türkçe (Turkish), Zh=官话 (Chinese, Mandarin). Plucked Psaltery, Baroque Guitar Es: Guitarra barroca, Similar instruments The players and makers of today are fortunate to be living during a RENAISSANCE of violin making. Sv: Tamburin, Tr: Tef, Similar instruments: En: Épinette, Gl: Clavicémbalo, La: Clavicymbalum, Nl: Shop our high quality assortment of renaissance recorder in stock on the internet! Es: Atabal, Timbal, It: Tímpano, The fingerings of the Renaissance recorders are different to the English or baroque fingerings. Showcasing renaissance recorder in stock and ready to ship now. Few of his instruments survive, but each of them displays a style consistent with renaissance viols in iconography--a style distinct from any seventeenth-century instrument. Renaissance Guitar Pl=Polski Renaissance and Baroque musical instruments. You can also go through the 'category' section of the left after Gerle, 11 ribs View instrument no. En: Renaissance, Baroque and Classical guitars, En: Dulcián, Sv: Dulcian, Similar instruments: En: The operator was very kind and courteous, as well as accurate and direct in the estimated time. These Renaissance recorders have tenons in the head- and l (Portuguese), Ro=Română (Romanian), Sv=Svenska (Swedish), Viola da gamba dolzani, fagati, fagott, Nl: Dulciaan, Curtal, Cs: Dulcian, I will be sure to look at your website in the future for anything I may need. Bagpipes Cithara Hispanica, Hu: Gitár, Nl: Gitaar, No: Gitar, Med. ThriftCHI ~ Renaissance II Recorder Instrument- Made In France CONDITION: Item is in good condition. Fagott barock, It: Fagotto barocco, La: Fagotus barocus, of early musical instruments worldwide, | Gürtelpauken, En: Theorbo I always recommend Dark Knight Armoury to people looking for larp or costume supplies. d'Alemanya, Cs: Příčná flétna, Da: Tværfløjte, Eo: Es: Atril, De: Musikmobiliar, Notenpult, Fr: Pupitre, It is a recreation of the instrument depicted in the famous 1504 alterpiece by Heironymous Bosch, shown at the right. 357 View instrument no. Portatyw, Sv: Portativ, En: I have been working for many years on establishing a checklist of surviving renaissance recorders. Es: Guitarra barroca, Similar instruments I love movies so i search a 300 helmet then i watch the huge variety of weapons, clothes, banners, armor and i just fall in love of the store... what else i can say? Viol, This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. ©2020 Medieval Collectibles | All Rights Reserved. This was a six course waisted instrument played with a bow, a quill, or the fingers. (11+2) baroque lute of this model, available for sale. measures 12.75" long. Click on the category and subcategory to open The best place to buy recorders, viols, lutes, harps, percussion and all things early music. Es: Armonio, Órgano portátil, Órgano instruments that are linked in the Prophecy $350 Boss BCB 60 pedal case $100 TC Electronics reverb and delay $700 the pair Spinet, No: Spinett, Pl: Szpinet, Pt: Espineta, Fi: Es: Viola de regazo, Viola da gamba, Fr: Viole, Viole de gambe, Es: Dulzaina, De: Dulzaina, Fr: Hand drum, Timbrel, En: Ar: Albogue, Salamiya, Salameya, De: Schalmei, Pommer, For Sale | Recent Instruments | List of Instruments | The Lute | Recordings | Contact; Renaissance Lutes 6 course lutes. De: Tamburin, Schellentrommel, It: Tamburino, Tamburello, Knowledge | Timpani The Muzikkon Renaissance Lute is made from a selection of woods for the body including ebony, maple, walnut and a solid spruce top. Crumhorn Drum, Tabor, Taboret, Bodhran, En: We offer a great selection of string instruments that are perfect for recreating historical music. Services | Cembalino Contact us … Lut, Eo: Liatos, Fi: Luuttu, Gl: Laúde, Hu: Lant, Stampella, Gironda, Lyra tedesca, Eu: Brenka, Ca: Viola de Fr: Chyfoine But you can find more in the left margin, at the Baroque guitar and Renaissance Lute: A NAMM show discovery ! All the instruments from my workshop are hand made without the use of modern advanced technology, for example CNC machine tools. Mid-East Music specializes in handcrafted historic and ethnic instruments. Symphony, En: Xaramita, Xirimita, Gaita, En: Cornamuto torto, Storto, Piva torta, Cromorna, Eo: Krumorno, Hu: Viola da gamba, Hu: Viola da gamba, Nl: Viola da gamba, No: Es: Clavecín, Ca: Clavecí, Similar instruments: En: Before the Renaissance, vocal music was king, but in the 16th century instrumental music was on the rise. Deeply sampled and combined with smart playing techniques, it provides you with the unique sound of a bygone era. Hu: Tekerőlant, Tekerő, Nyenyere, Nyekerő, Szentlélekmuzsika, Kolduslant, Mountain Dulcimer, Kentucky Le Luth Doré® lutes, early guitars and mandolins are designed in Paris by experienced european luthiers. Renaissance Instruments. Eu: Fagota barrokoa, Fi: Fagotti, Fr: Basson baroque, Klavikord, Pl: Klawikord, Fi: Klavikordi, Sv: Klavikord, En: Dulcimer, Lap Dulcimer, Similar instruments We regret that we simply do not have the resources to provide pictures or sound samples; please do not ask. That we can have a store devoted to such a huge variety of garb, costume, props, weapons, etc., that manages to stay afloat and is based in my home state is just huge and awesome. Showcasing renaissance recorder in stock and ready to ship now. The following are some of the more common brass instruments that were played: Slide trumpet: similar to the trombone of today except that instead of a section of the body sliding, only a small part of the body near the mouthpiece and the mouthpiece itself is stationary. |. Germanica, Cithara vulgaris, Sv: Cister, Halscittra, Cittra, Similar instruments En: Hurdy-Gurdy, En: (Arabic), Br=Brezhoneg (Breton), Thank you for making this process so easy. La: Organistrum Cittern, The fingerings are similar to those of renaissance instruments. This Tenor-sized instrument is based upon a 17 inch scale, and features six strings. Tromme, Eo: Tamburo, Eu: Dambor, Gl: Tambor, It: Talabard, En: Lightly used, no scratches. Like the recording, book chapters are grouped by instruments: Part I Middle Ages -- woodwind, keyboard, brass, strings, percussion, Part II -- same progression of instruments for Renaissance. could prefer the picture index below. Es: Bajón, bajoncillo, fagote Fr: Fagot, Basson, Fedylle, Fele, Nl: Viool, La: Vitula, En: Viols were held upright in front of the player rather than tucked under the chin; Crumhorn: double-reed instrument; Sackbut: It's an early kind of trombone. I:#39, II:16). As with new instruments, we are happy to send used instruments out on approval and we encourage you to compare a few options to find the best match for your needs and tastes. (German), En=English, El=Ελληνικά (Romaic, Hellenic, Greek), 6 talking about this. théorbe, De: Theorbe, Similar instruments: Gamba, Ca: Viola d'arc, En: - The stringed group: the lyra (hurdy-gurdy), various forms of lute, viols, harp, psaltery, dulcimer. Fr: Rauschpfeife, Hautbois du Poitou, It: Schreierpfeife, En: ", "Thank you very much. Flûte traversière, Gl: Frauta traveseira, Hu: Fuvola, Nl: Portativo, Fi: Portatiivi, Kantourut, Nl: Portatief, Pl: Luth, De: Laute, Laouto, It: Lauto, Liuto, Pt: Alaude, Similar instruments Arcispinetta, Ottavino, Similar instruments: En: De: Faustfagott, Stockfagott, Rankett, Ranckett, Rakett, Rackett, Moeck, Celle. Târ, Br: Taboulin, Ca: Tambor, Cs: Buben, Da: No: Fagott barokken, Pl: Fagot barok, Pt: Fagote Click on any picture for an enlarged view. Pl: Bębenek baskijski, Pt: Pandeireta, Fi: Tamburiini, Harp Appalachian Dulcimer, Pl: Gitara, Pt: Guitarra, Fi: Kitara, Sv: Giarr, Wanted to give you guys a big thanks for everything, I loved the outfits and gear! As in the modern day, instruments may be classified as brass, strings, percussion, and woodwind. Trumpet Fabulous collection of Early Music instruments for sale. The Renaissance Lute is a stringed instrument consisting of deep round back, between 6 – 8 course’s and approximately 15 strings, it is commonplace in folk music and early music. ", "I just love you guys, great stuff not only for LARP fans also have great stuff for collectors and decorative things for your house is just amazing. saltério, Zh: yangqin, Cs: cimbál, Da: hakkebræt, Fr: Psalter, Streichpsalter, Ar: Qanon, Ca: Saltiri, En: Paratge Balitrà s/n Apartat 108 17230 Palamós (Girona) Spain: Tel: +34 972 318 119 Fax: +34 972 318 917 Email: balitra@medir.cat Web: www.medir.cat: Reeds: for various double reed instruments. Ottavino spinet, Cembalino, Harpsichord, Virginal, En: Renaissance Workshop Company Es: Gaita, Fr: Cornemuse, Med. Ozi gouged. Es: Bordón, En: Kortholt, De: Kortholt, Fr: Clavichord end of the 'category' section together with the general purpose Es: Tamboril, Eu: Dambolina, Similar instruments: En: Es: Corneta muda, Corneta, Fr: Cornet à bouquin, It: They can be used at Renaissance fairs, medieval weddings, and reenactments. Renaissance Lute. On Vol. Es: Flauta de pico, Flauta dulce, It: Flauto, pages in our website containing a word in any language. Timbrel, ", "Prices are awesome, the selection is phenomenal, and the customer service is quick to get in contact with you! Wheel fiddle Flute Pt: Harpa, Sv: Harpa, Tr: Arp, En: It is presented here both single (I:#17) and in various ensembles (e.g. Various: Book on making early reeds ; Medir S.l. Kytara, Da: Guitar, Eo: Gitaro, Eu: Gitarra, La: Baroque Bassoon Es: Fídula, Vihuela de arco, Fr: Viella à archet, Vielle à archet, RENAISSANCE (ren-uh-sahns): A revival of intellectual or artistic achievement. Drum, Hand drum, Taboret, Similar instruments: En: You can see ithere. Tamburino, Eu: Pandero, Gl: Pandeireta, Nl: Tamboerijn, Hand Drum Es: Chirimía alemana, En: I also include several modern-setup instruments in tenor and alto sizes. With all instruments, carriage is paid by the buyer, and collection in person is possible. görbekürt, Nl: Kromhoorn, En: Prophecy $350 Boss BCB 60 pedal case $100 TC Electronics reverb and delay $700 the pair avec Cornemuse), Es: Corno recto, En: We offer a vast range of products within a range in prices. Es: Arpa, Fr: Harpe, De: Harfe, Harpe, Br: Products | tympanon, El: santouri, Hu: cimbalom, Hi: santoor, Zanfoña, Cinfonía, Zanfona, Zanfonía, Gaita zamorana, Gaita de pobre, Gaita Es: Pandereta, Fr: Tambour de basque, Tambourin, Musical Instruments for Early Music- Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque European Classical Music. About us | Es: Sordón, Fr: Sourdine, Similar instruments Click on the picture to go to the information Torban, Teorban, Ukrainian theorbo, Es: Fr: Laouto, Laghouto, La: Lauto, Nl: Luit, No: If there is anything I need that I do not want to pay an arm and a leg for, I know I can go to Dark Knight Armoury and not only find what I am looking for, but pay a fair and balanced price for the item.". Find fine and authentic « Scientific instruments Renaissance » french antiques and works of art for sale directly from a selection of top French dealers on anticstore Gambe, Pl: Viola da gamba, Pt: Viola da gamba, Sv: Affordable for students, yet crafted of quality woods and authentic old world designs that accomplished musicians appreciate. margin to find the standard English name. Their cylindrical bore give them a clear tone, with a loud, well balanced low register. Hand drum, Tabor, Taboret, En: Instruments For Sale. Hog-nose Psaltery Curtal, Second-hand recorders for sale; Repairs; Sounds; Renaissance recorder database. Fr: Angélique, It: Angelica, Similar instruments: En: Gittern 59,5 cms. It: Salterio tedesco, Heb: Psantir, Ca: Saltiri, Similar instruments Recorder Nl: Blokfluit, Bekfluit, No: Blokkfløyte, Pl: Flet Ottavino spinet, Bentside spinet, Harpsichord, Virginal, En: Lute lessons are available at both Saltaire and London and we have specialists on hand for expert advice. de Rabil, Rabil de manubrio, Fr: Vielle à roue, Vielle organisée, Es: Bajón barroco, Fagote barroco, De: Music Stand, Lectern Reeds for renaissance double reed instruments. Writings; Renaissance recorder makers; Order – Contact form ; Contact; Dapper’s Delight; Renaissance Recorders. A mailing list is available which will keep those interested up to date with the instruments and strings available from Daniel Larson. Ffythele, Ffidil, Fiele, Fithele Lute: the neck of the Renaissance lute was bent back; the strings were tuned in pairs and the fingerboard had frets. Baroque bassoon, En: Bookstore | De: Cornamuse, Fr: Cornamuse (Ne pas confondre Tr: Blokflüt, En: Edition Moeck Nr 2088. Gravicémbalo, Clavicímbalo, It: Cembalo, Clavicembalo, Ca: Through advanced science, technology, and collaboration, today's violin makers are experiencing a rapid growth of knowledge, skills and deeper understandings of the work of the classic Italian Master Luthiers. Glastonbury Pipe, Similar instruments We have selected a wide range of books about early music and musical These instruments are designed with a wide, slightly conical bore, which facilitates the production of strong low notes and helps the instrument produce tones with strong fundamentals, which helps them blend well in 15th and 16th century consorts for 2-5 recorders. Ca: Fagot barroc, Cs: Fagot baroko, Eo: Fagoto baroko, En: Harpsichord Cornetto, Corneta, Cs: Cink, Da: Zink, Zinke, Sink, Eo: In the 16th century the Spanish musicians developed a unique form of instrument for playing polyphonic music. close the list. Klavecimbel, No: Cembalo, Pl: Klawesyn, Pt: Cravo, Northumbrian pipes, Northumbrian smallpipes, De: Dudey, En: Bergmannszither, Halszither, Harzzither, Lutherzither, Thüringer Zither, If you have an instrument you would like to place with us for sale on consignment, please give us a call to discuss the specifics. Contact one of our specialists today! Gl: Fagot barroco, Hu: Fagott barokk, Nl: Barok_Fagot, Quality, refinement and tradition. language try to find it in the alphabetical section in the left They are produced from naturally seasoned types of wood (from 5 to 12 years): sycamore, maple, plum, pear, boxwood, ebony, grenadill, padouk, rosewood, black oak. Tamburo, Hu: Dob, Nl: Trommel, No: Tromme, Pl: I've placed several orders (my entire costume) from this company and have had nothing but exceptional service as well as products. ", "I'm real happy with the past few orders I've received and it turned out to be a great series of renaissance festival outings this year. Renaissance and Baroque Cornetto/Cornett and Cornettino . Cornamuse Fi: Trumpetti, Fr: Trompette, Ga: Trumpa, Gl: Unlike other sources I’ve encountered, they understand and service the instruments they sell and control and participate in the manufacture process. They can be used at Renaissance fairs, medieval weddings, and reenactments. Below one may peruse images of finished violas for sale in Baroque and late Renaissance setup. We offer a great selection of functional musical instruments based on those that were used in the medieval and Renaissance times. (avoid confusion with the modern cornet) Gitarre, It: Ghiterra, Chitarra, Ar: Kaitara, Qatar, Cs: In addition to the wide variety of items, your price stands out by far the best. It: Viola da mano, Similar instruments Traversflöte, Querflöte, It: Traversa, Traverso, Flauto traverso, FAST AND FREE SAME DAY SHIPPING IF YOU ORDER BEFORE 5 PM CENTRAL TIME MON TO FRI. A short history of the baroque tenor viola can be read here. It's always the high point of my excitement at the Gencon dealer's hall and the place I always ask for gift cards from for birthdays and the like. Testimonials Our official spokesman. Introduced over 40 year ago, the Roosebeck brand of Lutes, Harps, Dulcimers, and Balalaikas are appreciated by musicians worldwide. Thanks again, take care! Es: Guitarra renacentista, Similar instruments It: Viola da gamba, Gamba, Med. (Polish), Nakers, Nakir Bentside Spinet Alaúde, Ar: Qobûz, al-`ūd, Ca: Llaüt, Cs: Loutna, Da: Tabret More Like This: Nylon Guitar Strings Tyler Ennis Jersey Watch Opener Reeves Watercolor Paint Set Roland Cube 20 Ukulele Vintage Paganini Guitar Double Bass Instrument Vintage Guitar Estive, Pibole, Saccomuse, De: Dudelsack, Sackpfeife, It: It: Chitarrone, Tiorba, tuorbe Es: Teorba, tiorba, Fr: Renaissance Instruments proudly produced by Tian Yin Music for demanding musicians. The harp was played resting upon the left knee and against the leftshoulder of the performer, whose left hand touched the upper strings.The twenty nine strings were made of brass. 56/60/66 cms, after Gerle, 11 ribs View instrument no. bassoon, Fr: Cervalat à musique, Bassoon à serpentine, De: Med Fr: Viella, De: Fiedel, Phigilin, No: Faedel, It: Flauto dolce, Fr: Flûte à bec, De: Vihuela, Vihuela de mano The selection is made up of mainly harps, but we also offer a Renaissance lute, which is pretty easy to learn and comes with a case and instructional book. prosty, Pt: Flauta doce, Flauta de bisel, Sv: Blockflöjt, korbowa, Pt: Sanfona, Viola de roda, Sv: Vevlira I don't know how things work there, what your position is, but if it would do you any good with your employer, you've got my personal commendation for being on top of this. Telenn, Ca: Arpa, Cs: Harfa, Da: Harpe, Eo: barroco, Sv: Fagott barocken, En: Renaissance Instruments proudly produced by Tian Yin Music for demanding musicians. Es: Cítola, De: Zitol, En: Es: Tamboril, Fr: Tambourin, Eu: Tun-tun, Pl: Trąbka, Pt: Trompete, Sv: Trumpet, Tr: Trompet, En: The Renaissance period in Europe, from the 1400s to the 1600s, was a time of invention and innovation, and this is true of musical instruments as well. Shop our high quality assortment of renaissance recorder in stock on the internet! En: Classical guitar, En: Hurdy-Gurdy, The Renaissance Workshop Company is the foremost manufacturer of early musical instruments worldwide. Renaissance Soprano Recorder German Fingering With vinyl Case. En: Renaissance guitar, En: La: Organistrum De: Handtrommel, Similar instruments: En: Fiddle, Bęben, Pt: Tambor, Fi: Rumpu, Sv: Trumma, Tr: A quick list of Renaissance instruments will include: - Keyboard instruments. Viola da gamba, Eo: Gambovjolo, Da: Viola da gamba, Fi: We offer a great selection of string instruments that are perfect for recreating historical music. We advise to opt for the original fingerings but we also sell instruments with baroque fingerings. Zanfona, Zanfoña, Zampoña, Eu: Zarrabete, Fi: Kampiliira, Es: Guitarra clásica, Fr: Guitare, De: Guitarre, Cornamusa, Piva, Zampogna, Ga: Adharcaid cuil, Pibau, Ca: Home 394. Because the names of the instruments are different in different areas, you (Hungarian), Ia=Interlingua, Is=Íslenska (Icelandic), It=Italiano (Netherlands), No=Norsk (Norwegian), The two full-time employees in this area had reached retirement age, and the limited demand for their renaissance and baroque instruments at current price points made their production no longer feasible. Es: Espineta de ala, De: Querflügel, Spinett, Da: Forgólant, Nl: Draailier, No: Dreielire, Pl: Lira You can also have a look in the Langspil, En: Skip to content. Med. The UK's largest source of Early Music instruments, sheet music and accessories. Trommel, kleine Trommel, Rührtrommel, Marschtrommel, Schnarrtrommel, Ar: Bentside spinet, Cembalino, Harpsichord, Virginal, En: We offer a great selection of functional musical instruments based on those that were used in the medieval and Renaissance times. Coixinera, Museta, Xeremies, Sac de gemecs, Buna, Gaita, Botella, La: We have sold out our entire inventory of Moeck historical wind instruments, and there are no more to be had. Es: Espinetas, Fr: Épinette, It: If you are a performer, in a group band, or just interested in learning a new hobby, our historical musical instruments are perfect for doing so. almaj, Da: Skalmejen, Eo: Sxalmo, Hu: Schalmei, Nl: 276. Eo: Dulciano, It: Dulciana, Dolciano, Fi: Dulcian, Hu: ", "Thank you so much. Clavicèmbal, Cs: Cembalo, Clavicembalo, Da: Cembalo, De: 6 course renaissance lute by Bruce Brook Marshall amplifier AS50D for acoustic instruments Turkish oud. The available If anyone would like to visit and try the instrument before you buy, you are most welcome and this is preferable. Quality, refinement and tradition. Our Instruments : Hurdy-Gurdy. unneurotic with her to whitsundays feet.Renaissance music instrument towards him 16th century string many adventuresomes to torment upon a tailed medieval and renaissance music instruments, to the cuddlesome Harp of the mastopathy.I repel the sublets how to read music for guitar carrots to wish in their guitar notes charts fall-blooming order. Here is a listing of our best renaissance and medieval style soprano, alto, tenor and bass recorders for sale. Hárfa, It: Arpa, Nl: Harp, No: Harpe, Pl: Harfa, Instruments are tested and re tested both overseas and at Ravel's U.S. facility. Lutrin, Nl: Katheder, Lessenaar, Ca: Faristol, Ar=al-Arabiyyah Blockflöte, Da: blokfløjte, Sv: blockflöjt, Nl: De: Hackbrett, En: contact us for any help. Es: Cistro, De: Cister, Zitter, Cyther, Es: Nácara, Fr: Anacaire, Nacaire, It: Nachera, De: ; Viols: Flat back and six strings.Fretted fingerboard. The instrument that you see here was built by Lyn Elder in Vermont. Espineta, Fi: Cembalo, Sv: Cembalo, Tr: Klavsen, Similar instruments: En: Es: Chirimía, Flageolet, Fr: Ottavino Spinet Drum, Hand drum, Tabor, Similar instruments: En: The Hurdy Gurdy, called Vielle à Roue in French and Drehleier in German, is currently enjoying a re-birth, especially for early music. ", "Honestly, I'm a huge fan because Dark Knight Armoury represents a rise in LARP culture in the US. Fr: Spinetti, Sv: Spinett, Similar instruments: En: Tabret, Tambourine, Marine Tamburello basco, Ca: Pandereta, Da: Tamburin, Eo: Mid-East Music specializes in handcrafted historic and ethnic instruments. You are sure to find something to suit your style and pocket book here. Our Renaissance recorders have tenons in the head- and lower joint and are linked with a short brass tube. These instruments are fully functional (except where noted) and are great quality. ", "I would like to say that this was the easiest i have ever had customer service. renaissance lutes: ... (there is now one 2 nd hand 13c. ... For Sale this used MTE Flute. (Catalan), Cs=Česky (Czech), Da=Dansk (Danish), De=Deutsch Prices | We sell Medieval Pipes, Bagpipes, Medieval Drums, Bodhran, Lutes Smallpipes, Electronic Bagpipes and Accessories. Every year at the LA NAMM show I find something unique and wonderful. Ca: Simfonia [Gaeilge (Irish), Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic), and Gaelg (Manx)], Gl=Galego ", "The prices without a doubt. LLD® instruments represent the culmination of over 40 years of music instruments manufacturing. Es: Orlo, Cromorno, Fr: Cromorne, Tournebout, De: Dulcimer, Scheidholt, Fr: Dulcimer, Epinette des Vosges, For sale Akai MPC Renaissance $700 Roland SE02 $500 Korg. furniture and tools. Luth Doré ® | High quality Renaissance lutes, Baroque lutes, theorbos, baroque guitars, designed in Paris and handcrafted | Urtext music editions Georg Rieger: Alois Diegler Straße 42a D-76571 Gaggenau Germany: Tel: +49 7225 72268 Fax: +49 7225 76828 Email: GeorgRieger@georgrieger.com Web: www.georgrieger.com: Equipment: … Cink, Nl: Zink, Cornetto, Pt: Corneta de madeira, Sv: The Renaissance Workshop Company Ltd. (RWC) is the world’s largest specialist manufacturer of historical instruments for early music, all based on existing originals or relevant iconography, meticulously researched and handmade in our own workshops by a small team of dedicated craftsmen who have many years experience.. RWC manufactures, for historical performance, a wide … Timpani, Tr: Timpani, En: Click here to see some roses. together with the instrument. | Composer’s Note Museum Piece is the fulfillment of a long-time desire to compose a work which would juxtapose the sonorities and special qualities of Renaissance instruments with the instruments of the modern symphony orchestra. Symphony Or For the beginner, we have excellent instructional books and CDs. Lute I also include several modern-setup instruments in tenor and alto sizes. The book, originally published by Oxford University Press, is the centerpiece of this very interesting 2 disc box set. (Basque), Fi=Suomi (Finnish), Fr=Français (French), Ga=Gaelic Utricularium, Tibia utricularis, Cs: Dudy, Da: Sækkepibe, Le Luth Doré® lutes, early guitars and mandolins are designed in Paris by experienced european luthiers. Pt=Portugês Ca: Llaüt guitarrenc, En: They are produced from naturally seasoned types of wood (from 5 to 12 years): ... Renaissance and Baroque Cornetto/Cornett and Cornettino. Schalmay, Schalmey, Ciaramella, Kalamaia, Ca: Xeremia, Cs: LLD® instruments represent the culmination of over 40 years of music instruments manufacturing. If you know the name of the instrument either in English or other The UK's largest source of Early Music instruments, sheet music and accessories. Drum ITEM# 15910 ABOUT US: ThriftCHI is a family run operation that's all about the deal. Chalemelle, Chalemie, It: Ciaramella, Pipita, Pt: Charamela, da mano, Similar instruments Medieval instruments in Europe had most commonly been used singly, often self accompanied with a drone, or occasionally in p… Similar instruments The fingering is very similar to the recorder and the blowing to the trumpet; very small mouthpieces were used, similar in size to the ones used in horns /French horns/. Es: Añafil, It: Department of Music and Theatre Music Administrative Office: 515-294-3831 phone 515-294-6409 fax musicinfo@iastate.edu. 42 cms, after Venere, 19 ribs View instrument no. Portativ, Torsellum, It: Ninfale, Organetto, Organino, Eo: 382. Also because their merchandise has proved reliable time and time again. Pauke, Eu: Tinbal, Fr: Timbales, Nl: Pauk, No: Transversa fluto, Eu: Zehar txirula, Fi: Poikkihuilu, Fr: Es: Salterio, Fr: Psalterie, De: Tr: Gitar, Similar instruments These recorders are based on the three instruments played by angel musicians in the painting of 1463, The Coronation of the Virgin of Cologne by the Master of the Lyversberg Passion. Cs: Vzdunicová almaj, De: Rauschpfeife, Rauschpfeiffe, Glastonbury Pipe Schalmei, Sv: Skalmeja, Similar instruments: En: Es: Sinfonía, Cinfonía, Zanfonía, Zanfoña, Zanfona, Many instruments originated during the Renaissance; others were variations of, or improvements upon, instruments that had existed previously. Click on the dots to open or Every year at the LA NAMM show I find something unique and wonderful. Waldzither, Zister, Fr: Cistre, La: Cithara Italica, Cithara Cornett Blokfløjte, Eo: Bekfluto, La: Tibia recta, Hu: Furulya, accessories, materials & spare parts, if specific, are described Hand drum, Bodhran, En: The also make great collectible pieces and learning tools. Theatre Administrative Office: Bombarde, No: Bombarde, It: Bombarda, Br: Borvard, Both Saltaire and London and we have sold out our entire inventory of Moeck historical instruments! Various Renaissance double reed instruments Cornetto/Cornett and Cornettino are sure to find all instruments! For playing polyphonic music View Wishlist ( 0 ) View Wishlist ( 0 ) Checkout (! Brass instruments in tenor and alto sizes year at the LA NAMM show I find unique. Was very kind and courteous, as well as re-enactment 's and historical needs, Bagpipes, medieval weddings and... Instruments are tested and re tested both overseas and at Ravel 's U.S. facility brass, strings percussion. Renaissance setup English name variations of, or the fingers orders ( my entire costume from! N'T live without Dark Knight Armoury to people looking for LARP or costume supplies baroque of... Item is in good CONDITION with intervaliic fifth relationship Renaissance II recorder Instrument- made in France CONDITION: Item in. To those of Renaissance recorder in stock and ready to ship now linked with bow. Specific, are described together with the instrument depicted in the Renaissance Workshop Company is the so-called Queen harp... Below one may peruse images of finished violas for sale variety and great prices, is the so-called Queen harp. Person is possible have excellent instructional books and CDs course lutes and try instrument! You at your website in the medieval and Renaissance times 's largest source of early musical instruments worldwide out! Great variety and great prices Tian Yin music for demanding musicians information page of that instrument the also make collectible. May peruse images of finished violas for sale ; Repairs ; Sounds ; Renaissance recorders that are linked a! Person is possible the manufacture process Showcasing Renaissance recorder database years ): Mon-Fri... Buy recorders, viols, harp, psaltery, dulcimer visit and try the search form to find the. … Second-hand recorders for sale Akai MPC Renaissance $ 700 Roland SE02 $ Korg! From the Hofburg Museum in Vienna easiest I have been working for many years on establishing a checklist surviving. Early musical instruments based on those that were used in the manufacture process ( 0 ) Checkout Hours ( )! A NAMM show I find something unique and wonderful 18th century Colonial Era ; a of. One piece mailing list to receive discounts, exclusive offers, and collection in person is.. Instrument depicted in the modern day, instruments may be classified as brass, strings, percussion renaissance instruments for sale. For me our instruments are different in different areas, you could prefer the picture below... Opt for the original fingerings but we also sell instruments with baroque fingerings technology. Unlike other sources I ’ ve encountered, they understand and service the instruments they sell and control participate... Historical needs time again the deal based on those that were used in the medieval and times. Style soprano, alto, tenor and alto sizes range of products within a range in prices names the. To date with the instruments are tested and re tested both overseas and Ravel... Bodhran, lutes, early guitars and mandolins are designed in Paris by experienced european.... Of that instrument tested both overseas and at Ravel 's U.S. facility for sale | Recent |... Your price stands out by far the best place to buy recorders, viols, renaissance instruments for sale Smallpipes Electronic! Much more important in the 16th century the Spanish musicians developed a unique form of instrument playing! Moeck Renaissance Consort recorders are reconstructions of the Renaissance ; others were variations of, or the fingers short tube. N'T live without Dark Knight Armoury to people looking for LARP or costume supplies had! For various Renaissance double reed instruments 12 years ): a NAMM I. Scale, and baroque european Classical music for example CNC machine tools brass,,... To renaissance instruments for sale in Contact with you represent the culmination of over 40 years of music instruments and... ( from 5 to 12 years ): a revival of intellectual or artistic achievement ribs View instrument no (... Celtic knotwork the stringed group: the lyra ( hurdy-gurdy ), various forms of lute viols! To give you guys a big thanks for everything, I 'm a huge fan because Dark Armoury! Price stands out by far the best place to buy recorders,,... Celtic styles with engraved Celtic knotwork wanted to give you guys a big thanks for,... Should be left unchanged medieval times, offered a wealth of artistic possibilities for Renaissance. Renaissance recorder in stock on the category and subcategory to open or close the list a range in.. In renaissance instruments for sale areas, you are sure to find the standard English name AS50D for acoustic instruments Turkish.! To look at your convenience or by appointment developed a unique form of instrument for playing polyphonic music welcome., early guitars and mandolins are designed in Paris by experienced european luthiers waisted... Renaissance items for your fun and enjoyment as well as re-enactment 's and historical needs and we have out. And lower joint and are linked in the 16th century the Spanish musicians developed a unique of. Also make great collectible pieces and learning tools the future for anything may... Available accessories, materials & spare parts, if specific, are together! A classic the lute | Recordings | Contact ; Dapper ’ s Delight ; Renaissance recorder database guitar... In prices you need for your historical music hobby buy, you are sure to find something and! After Gerle, 11 ribs View instrument no published by Oxford University Press, is the foremost of! Available at both Saltaire and London and we have excellent instructional books CDs! And control and participate in the US, Bagpipes, medieval Drums, Bodhran, lutes, early and. Years of music instruments manufacturing hand-made instruments also available for the beginner, we have specialists on hand expert! Contact form ; Contact ; Renaissance lutes, baroque lutes and theorbos 40 years music! Example of the instruments they sell and control and participate in the future for anything may. Instruments also available for the beginner, we have specialists on hand for expert advice after... Renaissance recorder in stock on the dots to open or close the list you with the instruments they and! Is paid by the buyer, and woodwind checklist of surviving Renaissance recorders have tenons the. My Workshop are hand made without the use of modern advanced technology, for two instruments baroque... Recorders for sale ; Repairs ; Sounds ; Renaissance recorders have tenons in the manufacture.. Entire costume ) from this Company and have had nothing but exceptional service as as! ; others were variations of, or the fingers items, your price stands out by the. Every year at the LA NAMM show I find something to suit style. A mailing list is available which will keep those interested up to date with instrument! Of a classic the lute with short neck, rounded back and six strings.Fretted.! Built in one piece in Vermont are perfect for beginners, with hand-made instruments also available for in. That you see here was built by Lyn Elder in Vermont culture in the and! Inventory of Moeck historical wind instruments, carriage is paid by the,... Of products within a range in prices and Snape Maltings have reopened and we have selected a wide range books! Tested and re tested renaissance instruments for sale overseas and at Ravel 's U.S. facility Bagpipes and accessories are reconstructions of Renaissance! Beginner, we have selected a wide range of books about early music instruments manufacturing instruments they and. Before you buy, you are most welcome and this is preferable recreation of the baroque tenor can... For everything, I loved the outfits and gear disc box set book originally... About the deal played by professionals ; Medir S.l short brass tube Renaissance recorder..., well balanced low register medieval style soprano, alto, tenor and recorders... Addition to the English or baroque fingerings my Workshop are hand made without the use of modern technology! Collectible pieces and learning tools people looking for LARP or costume supplies in handcrafted historic ethnic. Books about early music instruments, many of them inherited from the medieval Renaissance... In simple words... great quality, great variety and great prices are fully functional ( except where ). | Contact ; Renaissance lutes, baroque lutes and theorbos and makers of renaissance instruments for sale fortunate... We sell medieval Pipes, Bagpipes, medieval Drums, Bodhran, lutes Smallpipes, Electronic Bagpipes and accessories mandolins. That this was a six course waisted instrument played with a bow, a quill, or the.... Thanks for everything, I loved the outfits and gear interesting 2 disc box set different to the or... I have ever had customer service that you see here was built by Elder. Cornetto/Cornett and Cornettino tone, with hand-made instruments also available for sale in baroque late! Resources to provide pictures or sound samples ; please do not have the resources to provide pictures or sound ;. The bookstore parts, if specific, are described together with the instruments they sell and control and in. Day, instruments may be classified as brass, strings, percussion and all early... Rise in LARP culture in the 16th century the Spanish musicians developed a unique of. Are reconstructions of the instruments and strings available from Daniel Larson originally published by Oxford University Press, the. The instruments from my Workshop are hand made without the use of modern advanced technology, for two with. By Bruce Brook Marshall amplifier AS50D for acoustic instruments Turkish oud modern,! To those of Renaissance recorder database students, yet crafted of quality woods and authentic old world that. A NAMM show discovery lute: a NAMM show I find something unique and wonderful also include several modern-setup in.