Meanwhile, Eric, the CFO, understood it to mean chargebacks. Je hebt met het FSSC 35% kostenreductie bereikt. Consider the four things that corporate IT departments must do well to become a vendor of choice. Eliminating redundancies also saves money. Kennisbankonderwerpen: Organisatieontwerp, Shared Service Centrum Uit diverse onderzoeken blijkt dat een belangrijke reden voor het opzetten van een ‘Shared Service Center’ (SSC) efficiency verbetering (lees kostenbesparing) is. Enterprise service management offers the solution. As a result, business units rightfully prefer their own IT groups, even if their costs rise. It seems obvious (if you haven’t marked where you c… Shared Services represents the specialty roles, people, and services required for the success of an Agile Release Train (ART) or Solution Train, but that cannot be dedicated full-time. Alles uitbesteden en zonder IT-ers op locatie is vaak een grote stap. Veel klanten kiezen dan ook vaak voor een hybride oplossing in de vorm van Shared IT. And they maintain a presence in the business unit, attending key meetings, accessible to business-unit leaders and attuned to its strategies and politics. A shared-services organization cannot judge and control its customers and then expect to be considered their partner and vendor of choice. The concept of an IT department as a shared-services organization is, at the highest level, an alternative to decentralization. Total demand is less than the sum of all units’ peaks. This is, essentially, a sales function. Almost always, a bigger organization can drive a better deal. We provide modern, secure and reliable IT services so federal organizations can deliver digital programs and services that meet Canadians needs. Sinds 2002 help ik CFO’s om aansprekende resultaten te boeken met hun FSSC. Shared Services Canada (SSC) delivers digital services to Government of Canada organizations. The capability is wrapped in a service with a well defined service contract with the expectation that all teams use the service unless they can justify a reason to go their own way. Economies of scale in both staff and infrastructure also occur through better balancing workloads. If your shared services organization has grown through the years, while delivering a lower level of value compared to its size, it may be time to rethink its structure and goals. IT Shared Service. And it can afford higher caliber management. Het instellen van shared services wordt gedaan vanuit efficiëntie - en effectiviteitsoverwegingen waarbij ervan wordt uitgegaan dat het op één plaats samenbrengen van specialismen schaalvoordelen met zich meebrengt. The biggest of these is cost. Imagine three business units, each of which needs a certain specialty for roughly two-thirds time. Shared services delivery models are becoming increasingly popular in the business world, as a way of driving growth and increasing profit margins. The benefits of a shared service model may go beyond just cost savings. Account managers are responsible for a healthy relationship between business units and IT staff, and for aligning IT with the strategic needs of the business units. These functions are supported by IT and IT services … Another common reason for decentralization is to allow business units to control their IT priorities. Hoe succesvol invoeren. At least they get the job done. Managers improve the three main components of shared services — people, process and technology — but the most successful teams typically share five characteristics. Clients then decide what products and services they’ll buy with their finite spending power, and they’re invoiced for what they get. It must view itself as a business within a business that exists to serve customers throughout the organization; and it must win market share by delivering great value with a high degree of customer focus. Subscribe to access expert insight on business technology - in an ad-free environment. Centralization offers economies of scale. This involves getting right the organization’s culture, structure, work flows and internal economy. Ontdek de professional services mogelijkheden "De experts van Shared zijn tovenaars met data en hebben mijn verwachtingen ver overtroffen." A shared-services organization must deliver a better deal than business units can provide for themselves. Implementing a market-based internal economy—more than just chargebacks; indeed, with or without chargebacks—is an essential element of the shared-services concept. The antidote is an effective account management function, staff in the shared services organization dedicated to each business unit. Her counterparts, business unit CIOs, were equally certain it meant that Mary’s corporate IT organization would answer to them. If you don't already have a shared services tenant, click Create shared services. IT Shared Services 1. Deze pagina is voor het laatst bewerkt op 31 jan 2017 om 12:06. Tips en voorbeelden Shared Service Centrum. Amidst this tension, some corporate IT departments claim the territory of “common solutions”—the backbone network, mainframe computer center and corporatewide applications—and leave the rest to business units. The IT organization offers a catalog of products and services, priced at true cost (including a fair share of indirect costs to avoid all allocations). Recent research into the application of market economics within organizations shows that, in essence, a market effect can be created when a shared-services organization considers its budget a “pre-paid account”—a checkbook that belongs to its clients. A shared-services organization risks living high up in the corporate cloud and not appreciating the unique strategic needs of business units. There are two sources of funding for these internal investments. If it charges back for its products and services, then it’s obvious that business units can control how much they spend and what they buy. A shared-services organization can avoid parallel training, product R&D, policy formulation and support functions. Een Shared Service Center (SSC) is een (semi-)autonome eenheid die verantwoordelijk is voor de afhandeling van een aantal operationele taken van één of meerdere organisaties. Business units resent having to beg, politic, wait in line or justify their requests in order to buy the IT products and services they know they need. At least in theory. Shared services is not a matter of mandating that business units buy from a corporate IT department, nor is it simply spreading the costs of corporate IT. Allocations do not give business units control of a checkbook, and in fact serve no economic purpose other than cost accounting. You may say that this has been done for ages through centralization – in a what it has! But the benefits of shared services are far reaching. A high-performance shared IT organization will attract market share over time. A high-performance organization structures itself around lines of business (such as a branch of IT engineering, or a specific service)&151;not traditional roles, responsibilities, processes or vendor products. Mary, the corporate CIO, was certain it meant centralization of the IT function. SSO betekent shared-service organization. Copyright © 2005 IDG Communications, Inc. Create the shared services tenant. Beyond that, there is a specific set of behaviors that constitutes customer focus. Back in the 1920s, for example, an Underwood typewriter cost $100 and typists were highly trained employees. CFO’s realiseren kostenreducties met hun financieel shared service center (FSSC) van 75%. The goal of a shared services delivery model is to allow each business division to focus its limited resources on activities that support the divisions business goals. Centralization offers economies of scale. However, you do not need to implement chargebacks to give business units control over what they buy. En nu wil je de volgende stap zetten zodat het FSSC 75% kosten reduceert. What’s the real meaning of the term, and what should IT leaders be doing about it? Instead of each of the three hiring their own person, they can share just two people. Deliotte Consulting’s 2011 Global Shared Services Survey Results show an 11% increase in shared service centers since 2009. What’s beneath all the buzz about shared services? There’s one other prerequisite to value: An organization must continually invest in itself to remain competitive. Shared services is a model for delivering corporate support, combining and consolidating services from headquarters and business units into a distinct entity based on market-like principles. 3 min read Greater specialization leads to performance improvements as widespread as greater speed, lower cost, higher quality and more innovation. Get started Deliver trusted data quickly by capitalizing on proven processes, technology, and people. To implement ESM, strengths must be combined incrementally in terms of tools, service desk and processes, while each department maintains its own expertise. While working with the IT leadership of a large services company, I found everyone enthusiastic about the concept of shared services. This ‘sharing’ not only leverages the delivery of services across business units, but also represents a ‘sharing’ of accountabilities and responsibilities between the shared services organisation and it’s customers. SSC en verantwoordelijkheid. By sharing a centralized IT group, business units gain many advantages. De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie. Shared Services refers to a group of centralized, non-revenue-generating operations that support multiple divisions, or lines of business, of the company. But, caution. An effective account management function dedicated to business units allows the rest of a shared-services organization to be structured around technical and service-delivery lines of business, resulting in economies and synergies. They keep up with the pace of technological change, improve their methods and tools, accumulate experience in their profession, develop templates and reusable objects and ultimately deliver higher quality at a lower cost. Chargebacks are quite different from allocations, which distribute costs among business units after the fact based on a formula that’s roughly based on utilization. IT Shared Services Center 8 A powerful organization to reach cost savings, process efficiency and even business transformation Success Story : Industrialization of processes A company which produces cement and concrete has launched a program to implement an IT Shared Services … Phillip Morris CTO scraps bimodal IT for consumer-centric model, Perfect strangers: How CIOs and CISOs can get along, Top 5 strategic priorities for IT leaders in 2021, Measuring IT project success post-COVID—and 4 leadership lessons learned, Rémy Cointreau ports SAP to the cloud to help sell more cognac, IT Resume Makeover: Setting the tone for IT leadership from the top, CIOs reshape IT culture in wake of pandemic, Dotted Lines Do Little for IT Organization. Introduction IT shared services model optimises the company investment in IT services, systems and infrastructure to achieve the company strategic outcomes 4. The path to IT shared services and standardization Valmont Industries’ CIO, John Kehoe discusses how taking an enterprise view allows IT to be more strategic. A shared services agreement is a model for delivering corporate support. A larger organization can support a broader, more diverse product line. Introduction Benefits Project Phases Organization Structure Index 3. Adopt these four best practices for building a data strategy. Shared Services is the delivery of those functions or processes that can be delivered to the corporation from a "shared" delivery model. This creates a shared services tenant and purchases the Azure CSP Shared Services subscription, to be used for shared resources and internal workload. Otherwise, it doesn’t deserve clients’ business. It can even reuse code, offering what appear to be customized solutions built on common components. Shared services ("gedeelde diensten") zijn de samengevoegde en gestroomlijnde voorzieningen in een (meestal) grotere organisatie die door meerdere organisatieonderdelen worden gebruikt. Sponsored item title goes here as designed, Top 9 challenges IT leaders will face in 2020, Top 5 strategic priorities for CIOs in 2020, 7 'crackpot' technologies that might transform IT, 8 technologies that will disrupt business in 2020, 7 questions CIOs should ask before taking a new job, 7 ways to position IT for success in 2020, 20 ways to kill your IT career (without knowing it), IT manager’s survival guide: 11 ways to thrive in the years ahead, CIO resumes: 6 best practices and 4 strong examples, 4 KPIs IT should ditch (and what to measure instead). Implementing shared services is a matter of building a corporate IT function that’s everyone’s vendor of choice. Voor- en nadelen shared services. Voorbeelden van voorzieningen welke vaak in een shared service worden ondergebracht zijn de afdelingen personeelszaken, financiële afdelingen en ICT-afdelingen, inkoop, verkoop, transport. The shared-services entity must be able to compete vigorously with outside vendors. By sharing a centralized IT group, business units gain many advantages. Go to Settings > Account settings > Shared services. It’s the right thing to do. Dit is € 500.000 tot € 2.000.000 jaarlijks. shared services, or considering a radical overhaul of an existing SSC, this Handbook is for you. Another reason for decentralization, and resistance to the idea of shared services, is the integration of IT with the business. Economische tegenwind, organisatorische samenvoegingen, gemeentelijk herindelingen en verleggen van dienstverlening (onder andere WMO). First and foremost, a shared-services organization must be very customer focused. The biggest of these is cost. A shared-services organization gives business units absolute control over what they buy from it. Centralization also consolidates buying power. Het opzetten van een Shared Service Center (SSC) is een veelgehoorde ontwikkeling in de IT en ICT op dit moment. It consisted of centralizing and industrializing some common services in 1 organizational structure, which were then charged back to internal clients. Business units will learn that they get a better deal without any loss of autonomy when they buy rather than make IT. Online Tool met een diagnose en advies voor uw organisatie om u een beeld vormen van … Account managers are trained in methods of strategic opportunity finding, needs assessment, benefits measurement, consortium facilitation, contract brokerage, etc. Copyright © 2020 IDG Communications, Inc. Een Shared Service Center is als geheel resultaatverantwoordelijk en levert gespecialiseerde diensten aan de organisatie, businessunits of afdelingen. A great client of Morgan McKinley’s who participated in the foundation of Siemen's HR Shared Services Centre and subsequently worked as its director offers us an insight into the pros and cons of Shared Service … Beyond cost savings, centralization can improve the quality of service. Shared services or shared services center (SSC) refers to a dedicated unit (including people, processes and technologies) that is structured as a centralized point of service and is focused on defined business functions. Fortunately, you don’t need to own your own grocery store to control what you eat. It maximizes its degree of specialization, with the ability to combine diverse specialists onto cross-boundary teams as needed. Some vendor licenses can be shared at a lower unit cost. Two, the corporation must provide a source of “venture funding” for capital investments and large, one-time improvement programs. A shared-services organization should be able to offer better products and services at a lower cost than business units can afford to make for themselves. It must acquire new methods, tools and infrastructure. Benefits… 5. A subtle but fascinating effect of shared services is the possibilities it offers for corporatewide synergies. Shared services may come from several different physical locations. A shared service is a capability that is centralized within an organization or group. Instead of each business unit owning its own IT group, they all buy some (or all) of their IT products and services from a central group. Unfortunately, in practice it doesn’t always do so. As we all know, shared services can perform a host of functions for an organization, from cutting costs and increasing efficiency through to driving wholesale business transformation at a philosophical level. Het instellen van shared services wordt gedaan vanuit efficiëntie- en effectiviteitsoverwegingen waarbij ervan wordt uitgegaan dat het op één plaats samenbrengen van specialismen schaalvoordelen met zich meebrengt. The GRID approach can be instrumental in aligning shared services behind core strategic goals beyond efficiency and cost savings. IT Shared Services 2. When staff specialize in a single IT specialty, they get good at what they do. Oh, they do one more thing: They get business units upset about “taxation without representation” and put the shared-services organization on the defensive about its costs. They may involve numerous business functions and IT processes. The value proposition is primarily driven by its organizational structure. Data strategy linked to financial performance., Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen. And it must continually improve its organizational processes. Because these individuals have specialized skills—often single-sourced and typically quite busy—each Agile Release Train (ART) and Solution Train must plan to engage the shared services personnel it needs, … Shared services are a common operational strategy designed to reduce costs by eliminating repetition of effort. Optimalisaties en implementaties van shared service omgevingen worden uitgevoerd met behulp van een migratie methodiek die zich vele malen in de praktijk heeft bewezen. Shared Service Center. Een Shared service center is een entiteit binnen een organisatie die bestaat uit verschillende units en is belast met het leveren van diensten aan de verschillende units. Don’t put your bottom line at risk. What is governance and what should IT leaders be doing about it? It must never judge or control its customers, or say, “We know what’s best for you.” If there’s a need for auditing business units’ decisions, let the corporate audit group do it. One business unit’s peak load may occur at a time when other business units are slow. Dean Meyer helps IT leadership teams design high-performance organizations. This involves not just customer-focus training, but a cultural change process that is comprehensive and lasting. Shared Services. Instead of having each business division within the company hire its own typi… Shared services organizations (SSOs) deliver and demonstrate value to their internal customers in many ways. Technology has often been the driver for shared services within an organization because it can be expensive to purchase, maintain and train employees to use. Some corporate IT groups see their role as controlling business units, for example, limiting their IT spending or forcing one-size-fits-all solutions on them inappropriately. Contact him at or visit his website for information that can help you implement these ideas, or with suggestions for other buzzwords to analyze in future columns. This narrow vision certainly will not achieve the promise of shared services. Let’s take a look at the benefits, and then what it takes to make it work. To succeed at shared services, the corporate IT group has to earn the position of “vendor of choice” through performance. I mean real fee-for-service: You buy, you pay; you don’t buy, you don’t pay. We created it to capture some of the key points and lessons learned over two decades of helping companies through the complex, demanding journey that is a shared services implementation. Een Shared service center is verantwoordelijk voor de uitvoering en afhandeling van operationele taken zoals, salarisadministratie, IT, Juridische ondersteuning, compliance, security en boekhouding. It must reserve some of its time for professional development and product R&D. Adviezen bij een SSC praktijkcasus. If corporate IT staff demand a monopoly—that is, force business units to buy from them “for the good of the company”—resentment builds and the pressures for decentralization increase. One, pricing must incorporate the appropriate level of indirect costs of unbillable time and ongoing improvements. It’s not a simple undertaking. The goal is to reach shared services with higher … It works by consolidating and combining services between business units and headquarters into one separate entity that is based on principles similar to the market. Perhaps most importantly, a consolidated organization can support a higher degree of staff specialization. The Benefits of Shared Services. The concept of a shared services center was developed in the United States in the 1980s to reduce costs of low value, back-office activities such as payroll or accounting. Shared services ("gedeelde diensten") zijn de samengevoegde en gestroomlijnde voorzieningen in een (meestal) grotere organisatie die door meerdere organisatieonderdelen worden gebruikt. As business units find themselves using shared infrastructure and interoperable systems, they may collaborate more (and better) across boundaries. IT must fully understand and align itself with business unit strategies. These corporate IT functions may be shared, but they’re a far cry from being service oriented. It can support its products better globally, 24/7. But all too often all those gains are overshadowed by an inability to assess exactly how successful the SSO is proving, caused by a lack of proper measurement of existing service levels and operating costs before beginning a shared service implementation. It’s not project management, and it’s not a part-time job for IT leaders. Building a customer-focused culture is one good place to begin the path toward shared services. If done right, outcomes may also include improved controls, better data … The good news is that the behavioral principles of customer focus are well defined, and changing culture really isn’t all that tough or time consuming. Een frisse en professionele blik in combinatie met de juiste professional services biedt dan mogelijkheden. Shared Services Agreement: Everything You Need to Know. Author of six books, numerous monographs, columns and articles, he brings innovative systematic approaches to what others consider the “soft” side of leadership. Shared Services Nederland heeft een aantal tools ontwikkeld die de effectiviteit van uw shared services omgeving verhoogt. Hebben mijn verwachtingen ver overtroffen. the appropriate level of indirect costs of unbillable time ongoing. En ICT op dit moment assessment, benefits measurement, consortium facilitation, contract brokerage, etc technology - an! Processes, technology, and then expect to be customized solutions built common. 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