Though some research works have tried to explore the topics such as description of workplace spirituality, sources of workplace spirituality or features of an organization facilitating workplace spirituality (Milliman.J, 1999; PfefferJ, 2003; Marques J,, 2005). This paper provides an overview of spiritual development in children and youth and describes the role of schooling in this domain. So personal spirituality may have important implications for stances on bioethical issues. Biomedical decisions should not be made from the falsifiable fiction of a just and rational world operating according to Cartesian principles; they must address social, cultural, and long-term implications of treating people as bodies or intelligent objects, rather than as hearts, souls, and subjects in search of meaning in this life and perhaps the next. It includes the world of heaven, hell, angels, spirits, auras, ghosts etc. If spirituality were reducible to existential angst, then physicians might be allowed ethically to override the ignorant fears of their patients. The very word autonomy is untranslatable and therefore unthinkable in many cultures and languages, so to impose it on them is little less than bioethical imperialism. A more spiritual view looks not only at fairness for individuals but at fairness for a larger and longer humankind. 1044 Words 5 Pages. Similarly, medical notions of fairness all too often look at dollars spent or length of patient survival, without considering the psycho-spiritual quality of the life of the bedridden or even unconscious patient. Formal religions take positions on bioethical issues ranging from abortion and euthanasia to circumcision and blood transfusion. <>stream These are spiritual beliefs. For others, religious faith focuses on fear of punishment and guilt. Yet the areas of spirituality most subject to bioethical discussion are not the utility of prayer and meditation but how patient spirituality should be assessed and valued, especially when it influences medical decision-making. 1 0 obj By the late 1990s, physicians like Maugans advocated taking spiritual histories of their patients (1996); Harvard University (Puchalski 2006), and the University of Hull’s Centre for Spirituality Studies (McSherry and Ross 2010) validated reliable protocols for doing so. This paper provides a concise but comprehensive review of research on religion/spirituality (R/S) and both mental health and physical health. The spiritual realm is that which cannot be perceived through our five senses, mind and intellect. This sample Spirituality Research Paper is published for educational and informational purposes only. Dedicated to the spiritual progress of every person and society as a whole. New York: Guilford Press. The Individual and His Religion: A Psychological Interpretation. endobj American Journal of Bioethics, 7(7), 15. The Role of Spirituality 1 The Role of Spirituality in Christian School Leadership: A Qualitative Study ... Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Florida Educational Research Association. For some people, faith is based on compassion, forgiveness, and unity of all people. When a Jain or Quaker claims that their religion requires conscientious objection to military conscription, when a Jehovah’s Witness or Christian Scientist rejects blood transfusions, when a Catholic or Muslim refuses to abort a deformed fetus, their religious affiliation is prima facie evidence of their commitment. When conducting research, spirituality should be understood in traditional terms – as a subset of deeply religious whose lives and lifestyles reflect their faith (ideal models: Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Siddhārtha Gautama, etc.) These are questions of: how far assessing (or ignoring) patients’ spirituality would be ethical, how far accepting (or overriding) patients’ spiritually grounded decisions would be ethical, and whether the presuppositions of modern Western bioethics ultimately conflict with the presuppositions of spirituality. [Version of 5/14/2007] for this paper use Buddhism religion, you can do research on the on what they believe, stands, against, etc.... use one article which you use to write so I can print out and show to the instructor, it has to be similar. (2013), J.E. Spirituality Research Papers. Yet the absence of formal denominational labels raises problems, not only in assessment but also in response to patients whose worldviews differ. Many spiritually minded cultures find the notion of autonomy incomprehensible. Traditional spirituality would be extremely cautious about genetic engineering with the potential to disrupt many delicate balances in nature, even under the guise of “beneficence.”. (2003), J.E. The Blackwell Companion to Christian Spirituality. Don't use plagiarized sources. Words: 1498 Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper #: 55331749. role that spirituality can have on the development of young children the classroom in terms of character, moral fiber, decision making, sense of self-worth, sense of respect for others, sense of giving to the community, and expectations for growing in maturity. (2001). Due February 29, 2016: o Research Paper: In consultation with and approval of the professor, choose a Merely pharmaceutical response to the symptoms of an illness, injury, or bereavement, without addressing their underlying meanings, is like bombing cities in response to suicidal terrorists; ignoring the fundamental causes of disharmony, it exacerbates malaise and alienation rather than attaining long-term solutions. of this paper, is the role of science in addressing these questions. Authentic Christian Spirituality to me is a day-to-day pattern of reading, supplication, speculation and contemplation. Traditional Religions and other exceptional papers on every subject and topic college can throw at you. Promo code: cd1a428655, International Debate on Euthanasia Research Paper, Clinical Ethics Consultation Research Paper, Domestic Violence Research Paper Examples, Political Science Research Paper Examples. First, I provide a brief historical background to set the stage. Disaster, disease, and death challenge our sense of justice and reason; personal crises, such as divorce, unemployment, incapacitation, dying, or bereavement, lead people to ask “why me?” “how can I make sense of this?” “what is life/the universe trying to teach me?” and “what happens hereafter?” Scholars often distinguish existential elements (wonder, awe, intuited harmony, inspiration or ecstasy, commitment to a search for truth) and transcendent elements (karma and rebirth, judgment and afterlife, connection with a higher power) within spirituality. If the issue were the precision of medical prediction, doctors themselves would face an unbearable burden of proof. I want everything possible done for me because the universe will save me with a miracle. As personal worldviews have supplanted the role of community faith in secularizing societies, the term “spirituality” has largely replaced the term “religious.” In the 1970s, American public opinion polls exposed significant declines in the numbers of people willing to call themselves “religious,” despite an unmistakable upswing in “New Spirituality” and “New Age” movements. 2009-04-29T09:12:41-04:00 3.1c. Languages and Scripts; Music and Dance – A Spiritual Perspective; Spiritual research in Art & Design; List of Abstracts and Papers prepared by the Maharshi University of Spirituality; Spiritual Problems. uuid:8f5d3ee5-08bc-4226-a184-bff548368430 (2005), J.E. ... Current research and interest in spirituality and spiritual leadership reflect a need for further study of spiritual experiences, qualities, traits Spirituality and the Capricious, Evasive Nature of Psi. Are physicians obliged to treat patients whose worldviews utterly contradict their own – like suicide attempters or terrorists who promise to repeat their attempts if their present physicians restore them? (2014). This research paper on Spirituality as a factor of well lived life was written and submitted by your fellow student. Cochrane 2007). uuid:1336ba9e-96b6-4258-b5af-31ffc575b944 If further evidence shows that patients and bereaved families receiving spiritual care are less devastated by grief and less likely to sue, economic reasons alone may promote the assessment and treatment of spiritual crises. Taking spirituality seriously requires not only listening to patients but also treating their worldviews with respect. (1999). Puchalski, C. M. (2006). Spiritualty. However, religious beliefs and feelings can be very different among people who say religion is important to them. Medicine tries to treat the physical aspects of pain, disease, and suffering while ignoring their important spiritual aspects. Many more spiritual perspectives challenge the cultural and economic biases underlying the proselytization and use of these very “principles.”. Spirituality in Art Research Paper. However the studies were lacking sound theoretical and empirical base in the ways of expediting the underlying purpose … If doctors have an ethical duty to diagnose the causes and factors affecting their patients’ health, are they similarly obligated to assess their patients’ psycho-spiritual concerns that affect health outcomes and to become competent to do so? You need to larn about Jesus and his instructions, to take part on a day-to-day footing . View Spirituality Research Papers on for free. The results of an earlier systematic review are discussed, and more recent studies in the United States, Canada, Europe, and other countries are described. It suggests that, while not all unfairness can be addressed, as long as a vast portion of the world lacks elementary medical care and hygiene, debates on the ethics of costly advanced medical techniques are cruel and inconsiderate at best and at worst make a travesty of any pretense to “fairness” or “justice.”. Moberg, D. O. application/pdf Observing bioethics. Although the research base in area of spirituality at workplace is not. Allport, G. W. (1964). Some people believe in luck, crediting everything that happens to them, good or bad, to their fortune. They never imagined rights of women, servants, children, or other races, much less of societies or animals. ...Spirituality in the Workplace ABSTRACT In this paper I will attempt to study and understand the need for spirituality in the workplace. (Eds.). Aborigines today, continue to emerge from the Dreaming, yet they are still intensely connected with it till this twenty-four hours. Obviously, such positions may be more or less rational, more or less negotiable. To provide such drugs or organs in ways that may threaten the physical health or ethical thinking of society in the future is unthinkably unethical from some spiritual perspectives. From this perspective, spiritual crises challenge not only particular medical assessments and procedures but indeed the very presuppositions underlying the unconsciously hegemonic movement of Anglo-European bioethics into traditional Asian and African worldviews. In some cases, a sympathetic understanding may open the door for a deeper dialogue about what the patient thinks God or the universe wants and ultimately to a reframing or reinterpretation that allows other treatments without requiring a conversion of worldviews. We can write this or a similar paper … How can a physician know that a patient really understands her situation and is deciding not from ignorance and fear but from spiritual commitment? Some people believe in luck, crediting everything that happens to them, good or bad, to their fortune. Their spirituality would resist using recently discovered chemicals in human foods and medications before their safety and side effects had been proven on generations of unwitting human guinea pigs. GRAB THE BEST PAPER. Conversely, belief that suffering is good or karmically deserved can impede healthy outcomes. For many educated Asians and Africans, an ethical decision is one that considers all the impacts and desires of all the people and groups that might have preferences about it. So the issue has evolved from how spirituality can be measured to whether it should be measured proactively. Paper details. Finally, the presupposition that ethics should be deduced from culture-blind or culture transcendent principles directly violates spiritual insights that ethics arise from human emotional interactions within concrete cultural situations. Kennedy, Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, Volume 97, Pages 27-42. html pdf doc . The question of universal spiritual assessment is somewhat analogous to that of universal cholesterol assessment and prescription of statins. These are questions of spirituality. 2 Dictionary of Catholic Devotions. In the 2000s, the FACIT organization developed the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy – Spiritual Well-Being (FACIT-Sp 2014) that measures sense of meaning and the role of faith in illness, with items like “I have trouble feeling peace of mind” and “my illness has strengthened my faith or spiritual beliefs” ( My suffering here and now will burn off my previous bad karma. This paper identifies new approaches to the study of American spirituality and emergent horizons for interdisciplinary scholarship. ... Paper-Research offers pre-written essays, term papers, book reports, and research papers on a great variety of topics that will … Thus, statins may provide a short-term fix for high cholesterol, but in the long run, their side effects may override their benefits, where changes of patient diet and lifestyle would prove far preferable for the patient. The psychology of ultimate concerns: Motivation and spirituality in personality. We can custom-write anything as well! We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Cumbria: M&K Update. five years, the unaffiliated increased just under 5 percent. We can custom-write anything as well! Western bioethics typically accepts the principles of autonomy, beneficence, and justice as self-evident. Moberg (2001) advanced the SWBS to a 94-item questionnaire, but this proved too tedious for clinical settings. Concern with spirituality builds on Allport’s (1964) classical distinctions between extrinsic and intrinsic religion, observing that while some churchgoers apparently lack spiritual concerns, even agnostics with no religious affiliation may live by strong beliefs and commitments. Contemporary Church History of Spirituality Research Paper Spiritual Traditions for the Contemporary Church: Paper on History of Spirituality: To gain a richer exposure to the history […] Yet bioethical notions of fairness all too often refer implicitly to economics – the money and resources to be spent on a given patient – rather than on trying to enable patients to reach sense of meaning and peace within their situations or greater satisfaction in their deaths. The growing recognition of spirituality and its effects on medical outcomes leads to ethical questions including (A) proper assessment of and response to spirituality in medical situations, (B) what to do when someone’s spirituality contradicts standard biomedical judgment, and (C) the underlying assumptions of bioethics as typically presented in the West. RESEARCH PAPER INSTRUCTIONS. Every artistic work is the brainchild of its historic period. Workplace Spirituality Research Paper. Most research on religion or spirituality measures how important religion or spirituality is to a person. Spirituality refers to the search for meaning and understanding of life, with reference to nonphysical values or powers. If I can no longer eat nor communicate, I do not want my body prolonged. While people use many different religions and paths to find God or to express their spirituality, research has shown that those who are more religious or spiritual and use their spirituality to cope with challenges in life experience many benefits to their health and well-being. Lacking medical knowledge, patients rely even more heavily on their beliefs about the meaning and value of human life or their understanding of their commitments to family or to God. Spirituality and Religion Research Paper Due: 12/7/11 Throughout the world there are many different things that individuals tend to believe. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic "Spirituality of Miccosukee Indian tribe" with a personal 20% discount. Philadelphia: Templeton Press. Workplace Spirituality is awareness, interconnectedness with one another and a higher existence, a sense of fulfilment, and value and meaning to one’s calling. Religion and Spirituality in Nursing Research Paper. 4 0 obj When physicians are faced with decisions about the desirability of CPR or aggressive life support, they rely on their beliefs about the meaning and value of human life or their understanding of their commitments as physicians. Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality (2nd ed.). Understand different religious and non-religious perspectives and value systems central to faith and spirituality. Though horrible atrocities have been committed in the name of religion throughout history, research suggests that religious and spiritual beliefs have tremendous positive benefits to individuals and societies. Paloutzian, R. F., & Park, C. L. religion and spirituality, this paper reviews research on the relation between religion and (or) spirituality, and mental health, focusing on depression, suicide, anxiety, psychosis, and substance abuse. Some countries (like America) tend to prioritize the personal rights of the patient over that of the trained medical worldview; others prioritize trained medical opinion over that of the layperson (as in Britain’s Bolam v Friern 1957). This sample Spirituality Research Paper is published for educational and informational purposes only. Causes of problems in life; Karma (Destiny) Problems with Ancestral Spirits; Demonic Possession; Evil Eye Responding to patients’ spiritual needs can also improve medical care, by referring patients to chaplains or counselors, using spiritual support resources in the community, incorporating therapeutic touch and “healing” music or aromas, and teaching meditation or relaxation for chronic pain or insomnia. Spirituality is commonly defined as a sense of greater purpose. Each Aboriginal group is connected with the Dreaming and is cognizant its alone individuality is derived from it. New York: Macmillan, Allport. Kennedy, Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, Volume 98, Pages 1-27 html pdf doc The Polarization of Psi Beliefs: Rational, Controlling, Masculine Skepticism versus Int… u�. Research Guide to Catholic Spirituality John M. Kelly Library University of St. Michael’s College. Transplanting a resected liver into a waiting recipient may benefit the recipient in the short run but may risk reducing the quantity or quality of life of the donor in the long run – and possibly lead to social commodification of human body parts. The significance and significance of the Dreaming is cardinal to Aboriginal spiritualty. Koenig, H. (2009). Steroids or antibiotics that seem beneficial in the short run may in the long run create allergies or antibiotic-resistant pathogens that threaten society. New Age Spirituality Research Papers New Age Spirituality research papers discuss the expression of personal belief based on the wide umbrella of practices and beliefs described as New Age. Conversely, whereas hospital entrance forms could traditionally ask patients’ religious affiliation, future understanding of patients’ spiritual beliefs will require ethically sensitive measures to identify the reasons behind patients’ treatment decisions – and perhaps to provide counselors or chaplains who can discuss those decisions on spiritual as well as medical grounds. The main part represents how main questions that can be asked by the soldier before the fight might be answered. Further spiritual dilemmas remain. Kennedy, for the National Conference on Yoga and Parapsychology, January, 2006, Visakhapatnam, India. The present entry focuses on bioethical issues arising outside of formal religious belief systems but within the broader search for human meaning and interconnection known as spirituality. Nurses being examined in the united states was founded on science becomes more diverse, first ranked search. This research paper discusses basic views of the terms resilience and spirituality. Questionnaires. Doctors often prescribe futile medicines and procedures for disabling or terminal illness, more for the sake of raising patients’ and families’ hopes than for their demonstrable cost-effectiveness. Religious delusions and the limits of spirituality in decision-making. Of the dozens of spiritual assessment tools now circulated and taught, the FACIT-Sp and SWBS have become most widely used. What should be done when the values of medical counseling seem to obscure or conflict with the patients’ spirituality? It would reject meat eating for its deleterious impacts both on environment and on human health, not to mention on the sentient animals which are butchered. The term spirituality is usually tied to religious beliefs; spirituality and religion may be independent of each other (Feldman, 2014). Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Spirituality is commonly defined as a sense of greater purpose. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Interpret multiple facets of faith and spirituality, including sources of tradition and beliefs and experiences of God and the Sacred. The significance and significance of the Dreaming is cardinal to Aboriginal spiritualty. Many doctors feel ethically obliged to require and disclose the results of diagnostic tests even to patients who desire neither testing nor information. Authentic Christian Spirituality to me is a day-to-day pattern of reading, supplication, speculation and contemplation. Pargament, K. I. hޜ[�r�F���G}� �F]p{�Q�;�'�-y��=X$��5�1�߳�y2�@PRO��8b� The aim of spirituality research papers these workshops is to help spiritual aspirants gain a practical understanding of how to attain rapid spiritual progress.. 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