Wie fühlen sich Migranten in Deutschland (How do migrants feel in Germany)? 1. It is very good, but it would be better if hat wich kind of word (verb, nomen, adjektiv). I gave the boy a ball. Wir haben lange in der Schlange gestanden (We stood in line for a long time). Warum hast du deinen Geburtstag nicht gefeiert (Why didn’t you celebrate your birthday)? Facebook hat mich an seinen Geburtstag erinnert (Facebook reminded me of his birthday). German - Concessive Conjunctions, German - Conditional Phrase. It is important to be strategic when you are learning a new language. muy agradecido. Wir sind am Wochenende nach München gefahren, ? Free German PDF Lessons: Grammar, Vocabulary & More. Was soll ich machen (What should I do)? Wir feiern immer zusammen Weihnachten (We always celebrate Christmas together). Apart from their first meaning, “sein”, “haben” and “werden” are used as helping verbs to form different tenses. 65. verdienen (hat verdient) – to earn, deserve. Simple, declarative sentences are identical in German and English: Subject, verb, other. Hey I've really enjoyed the initial part of this, finally worked my way through all the german --> english cards. Kennst du Peter (Do you know Peter)? Er ist vor 10 Jahren gestorben (He died 10 years ago). Warum bist du am Wochenende zu Hause geblieben, . German infinitive clauses are subordinate sentences which are constructed with the infinitive form of a verb and the preposition “zu”. Siehst du den Hund da (Do you see the dog there)? German Word Order: Form and Meaning Main Clauses - overall structure of German assertions The structure of the following sentence exemplifies the structure of all assertions in German. Click "reviews" and set "Maximum reviews/day" to a higher value. Ich bin heute um 6.00 Uhr aufgestanden (I got up at 6:00 today). Now, after 3 months - I start to be faster - basic grammar rules are internalized. Er erzählt immer die gleiche Geschichte (He always tells the same story). AnkiWeb account - they need to be added from the desktop then And it works. 72. heiraten (hat geheiratet) – to marry, get married. Sie hat eine Suppe gekocht (She cooked a soup). Ich kann nicht schwimmen (I can’t swim). If you are learning German by yourself and don’t have a teacher, try to find a language exchange partner or a tutor online. Obrigado pelo ótimo trabalho e por disponibilizar os decks. Wann stehst du normalerweise auf (When do you usually get up)? Das habe ich nicht erwartet (I did not expect that). 2. haben (hatt… What do you think I must do? Sie war gestern nicht da (She was not there yesterday). German sentences are usually \"time, manner, place.\" 4. Ich habe dieses Buch noch nicht gelesen (I haven’t read this book yet). 46. bekommen (hat bekommen) – to get, receive. 42. glauben (hat geglaubt) – to believe, think. Was trinkst du gern (What do you like to drink)? Countdown is not working for me - sometimes I have to think one minute about the sentence - brain working with full power about words and grammar. DOWNLOAD GERMAN EXERCISES (pdf and audio) B1| B2 CONTENT: In this course level you will extend your conversational capabilities by learning how to use complex dependent clause sentences, sub-conjunctive, passive voice, Accusative and Dative prepositions and relative sentences. Was hat die Lehrerin gesagt (What did the teacher say)? 10. möchten – to wish (this is a form of the verb mögen). Deutsch und Deutlich offers a collection of downloadable German worksheets developed by Lorenz Derungs over a period of 30 years of teaching German. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. When it comes to learning new vocabulary, it is better to start by learning the most used German words first. Wir vergleichen die Preise in Deutschland und in der Schweiz (We compare the prices in Germany and Switzerland). How do you think this could be improved? Thank you Neri for all your work! With compound verbs, the second part of the verb goes last, but the conjugated part is still second. Sie tanzt Salsa (She dances salsa). -- that does not sound natural. You can download the full contents of this deck. 22. antworten (hat geantwortet) – to answer. After the file is downloaded, double-click on it to open it in German language course from wikibooks.org is the result of an ongoing collaborative effort of several authors and, therefore, it is being constantly developed and improved. Ich singe nicht gern (I don’t like to sing). Sie hat die Tasche auf den Boden gelegt, Wir vergleichen die Preise in Deutschland und in der Schweiz, (We compare the prices in Germany and Switzerland), . Wir haben lange in der Schlange gestanden, Ich bekomme immer viele Geschenke zum Geburtstag, . In English, this applies only to proper names, to the personal pronoun ‘I’ and to personifications, such as ‘Love’. Das Handy liegt auf dem Tisch (The phone is on the table). The articles (a/an/the in English) change depending on whether a word is the subject, direct object, indirect object, or … So: 1. Möchten Sie etwas trinken (Would you like to drink something)? as pessoas tem que entender que a gramatica alemã é diferente do inglês,assim como é diferente do português,então algumas palavras pode ficar diferente na tradução, mais o alemão vai entender o que vc quis dizer,pois pra ele vai soar como certo, não procure traduzir palavra por palavra numa frase pois como eu disse a gramatica é diferente, mais o significo vai ser o mesmo. I definitely think I owe most of my progression to learning words in sentences. Du siehst immer gut aus (You always look good). 1.sein (war – ist gewesen) – to be Ich bin müde (I am tired). Ich suche eine neue Wohnung (I am looking for a new apartment). Sie redet mit der Lehrerin (He talks to the teacher). 7. sollen (sollte) – to be supposed to, ought to, should. This chart is an alphabetical list of 50 commonly used German verbs. - I like to travel.⠀ Das passiert manchmal (That happens sometimes). @2017 - PenciDesign. These 15 sentences will give you the boost you need to start chatting away and letting people know who you are. Wir sind am Wochenende nach München gefahren (We went to Munich at the weekend). Man nennt junge Hunde Welpen (Young dogs are called puppies). Ich habe meine Tochter zur Schule gebracht, . 26. denken ( dachte – hat gedacht) – to think. The reason for this is that in a basic German sentence the main verb must always be the second element of the sentence. program. Wie findest du diese Tasche (How do you like(find) this bag)? Is it possible to ask you to either make a deck for Serbian or maybe obtain the software from you, so I could do it myself? 32. besuchen (besuchte – hat besucht) – to visit. Wie heißt du (What is your name)? 61. vergleichen (hat verglichen) – to compare. If you live in a German-speaking country, just think which verbs you use in your daily life. For example: The English sentence "You're doing fine." German - Articles - Nominative / Accusative (German) - pdf. Was denkst du daran (What do you think of that)? Ich habe Urlaub genommen (I took a vacation). Ich teile deine Meinung nicht (I don’t share your opinion). Respectfully yours, Shamil Khayrutdinov. In Austria, Germany, and Switzerland the phone number ‘112’ will get you in contact with the ambulance, fire department, and police. Sie arbeiten von Montag bis Freitag (They work from Monday to Friday). Er schickt eine Postkarte (He sends a postcard). download. Try to speak German as much as possible from the very beginning. My email address is shamil153@gmail.com. It shouldn’t be too long, the best is just one A4 page. Even though they have past participle form, they are mostly used in Simple Past tense when talking about past events. Hier darf man nicht rauchen (You are not allowed to smoke here). Wann kommst du zurück (When are you coming back)? Ich habe 2 Jahre in Deutschland gewohnt, . and er (3rd person sing.) Furthermore, there are certain phrases and verbs that introduce this type of subordinate clause. There are English translations of all the phrases, plus sound, which has been professionally recorded by native speakers. But - still I am impressed by my skills after just three months. I hope this list of 250 (or 300 of you downloaded the PDF) will help broaden your German vocabulary. German - Auxiliary Verbs. Peter öffnet die Tür (Peter opens the door). I may earn an affiliate commission for some purchases you make through those links at no extra cost for you. Wieviel hat dein Auto gekostet (How much did you car cost)? Excellent. Wir warten auf dich (We are waiting for you). The particle "nicht" As we’ve seen in German negation, the adverb "nicht" is the most common type of negation.By placing "nicht" in a different position, the meaning can change. Thank you! And probably very effective to reach fluency, but I'm just starting. For now, learn how to build sentences in German! Now, both parts, the speaking and reading/listening parts, are connected to the same major deck, called German 10k sentences. Wer hat dieses Lied gesungen (Who sung this song)? Wir haben uns den Kuchen geteilt (We shared the cake). Some of these verbs can be used with or without the reflexive pronoun “sich”. I really like the design of the cards, the audio quality is great and I totally agree with this approach. Die Lehrerin erklärt Grammatik (The teacher explains grammar). 67. brauchen (brauchte – hat gebraucht) – to need. What is the difference between “telefonieren” and “anrufen”? I think I did not clarify well. German - Causal Phrase. Stem-changing verbs are shown with their du (2nd person sing.) Paul hat über seine Reise nach Japan erzählt, Ich versuche, jeden Tag Deutsch zu lernen, Das Kind will nicht im Kinderwagen sitzen, The child does not want to sit in the stroller), Seit 1957 gehört das Saarland zur Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Since 1957, the Saarland belongs to Germany), Was erwartest du vom Leben in Deutschland, . Meine Familie fehlt mir sehr (I miss my family very much). Er nimmt den falschen Bus (He takes the wrong bus). Great effort with a fantastic result, looking forward to future iterations. Download German Grammar pdf file for A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2. 70. senden (hat gesendet/gesandt) – to send, post. GermanCorrector.com is a tool designed to find spelling, as well as basic grammar and stylistic mistakes in German texts. But what would be a 1:1 English translation of this German sentence? Maria trägt gerne Kleider (Maria likes to wear dresses). Alle sterben früher oder später (Everyone dies sooner or later). I studied French for a couple of years and found I was learning this far slower than I learned that. Dies ist ein Beispieltext (mit einigen Beispielfehlern. these books contains German grammar topics with exercise. Adjectives are an important part of any language such as German. "It goeth thee good." Clara liegt das Buch auf den Tisch (Clara puts the book on the table). Thank you beforehand! Laura gibt mir das Buch (Laura gives me the book). Ich bleibe morgen zu Hause (I’ll stay home tomorrow). The verb is always the second element in a German sentence. Ich habe alle Wörter vor dem Test wiederholt. Habt ihr das neue Lied von Mark Forster gehört (Did you hear the new song by Max Forster)? Hast du gut geschlafen (Did you sleep well)? Nicht negating the verb. 5. Ich habe gestern ein weißes Kleid getragen, . Ich verstehe die Frage nicht (I don’t understand the question). Ich dachte, du kommst aus den USA (I thought you were from the USA). I think your decks are one of the best tools for learning languages ever! Useful German phrases for health and safety. Wir haben gestern Fußball gespielt (We played football yesterday). Deutsche Grammatik Bücher als pdf herunterladen. I thought you remade this deck but how about the two other ones. Hast du Geschwister (Do you have siblings)? German Language Tutorial includes a vocabulary and grammar review of the German language, with German realia photos taken in Germany and Austria so you can see how the language is used in real life. You've done an amazing job! Das Mädchen hat die Augen geöffnet (The girl has opened her eyes). Er hat die Tür geschlossen (He closed the door). (All sample sentences in this handout are based on the drama Besuch der alten Dame by Friedrich Dürrenmatt.) Wir können am Samstag nicht kommen (We can’t come on Saturday). Wer fehlt heute (Who is absent today)? Sie hat viele Freunde zur Geburtstagsparty eingeladen (She has invited many friends to the birthday party). Alle mögen ihn (Everybody likes him). Wir sagen die Wahrheit (We are telling the truth). Ich schreibe einen Brief (I write a letter). 4. können (konnte) – to be able, to know. 92. anfangen (hat angefangen) – to start, begin. “Sein” and “haben” are used for Present Perfect and “werden” is used to create Future tense. 3. Sie verliert oft die Autoschlüssel (She often loses the car keys). Ich versuche, jeden Tag Deutsch zu lernen (I try to learn German every day). Maria erinnert sich an ihre Kindheit in Spanien (Maria remembers her childhood in Spain). - Wha, Was machst du morgen und übermorgen? Ich habe ein Geschenk gesucht (I was looking for a gift). Hat Ihnen das Essen geschmeckt (Did you like the food)? 41. liegen (hat gelegen) – to lie, be located. Wir heiraten Ende Juni (We marry at the end of June). Designed and Developed by PenciDesign, Top 100 German Verbs For Beginners PDF (with sentence examples and past participle), . (2) German criminal law shall apply to other offences committed abroad if the act is a criminal offence at the locality of its commission or if that locality is not subject to any criminal law jurisdiction, and if the offender: 1. was German at the time of the offence or became German after the commission; or 2. Sie hat noch nie eine Giraffe gesehen (She has never seen a giraffe). Benutzen Sie diesen online Text Korrektor um Rechtschreibe, Grammatik oder . Ihr lernt Deutsch (You learn German). German - Concessive Phrase. Even though they have past participle form, they are mostly used in Simple Past tense when talking about past events. I am ready to pay you a reasonable sum of money for this job. Example sentences in the present tense illustrate the use of each verb. This sentence is one small exception; compare the sentences in this deck with Google Translate and you will see that 99.99% are accurate. This list includes only German abbreviations that […], […] Top 100 German verbs for beginners PDF […]. In German, could be "Es geht dir gut." 39. beginnen (hat begonnen) – to begin, start. Alles wird gut (Everything will be fine). 97. interessieren (hat interessiert) – to interest, sich interessieren (hat sich interessiert) für etwas – to be interested in something. Sie ist mit dem Flugzeug nach Deutschland geflogen, ? Warum vergleichst du dich immer mit anderen Menschen, (Why do you always compare yourself with other people), . – I’ve fallen ill. Warum hast du deinen Geburtstag nicht gefeiert, ? Rather than learning grammatical rules deductively, you learn them inductively by exposure to a variety of sentences. Wann hast du mit Paul gesprochen (When did you talk to Paul)? Liebst du mich (Do you love me)? - Are you often stressed ou, Ich reise gerne. Click "options". Even if you can’t have a fluent conversation, native German speakers always appreciate when foreigners put the effort into learning a bit of their language.It shows respect and demonstrates that you truly want to reach out and connect with people while abroad. German Has 4 Cases. Could you be more specific? Paul trifft seine Freunde am Wochenende (Paul meets his friends on the weekend). Wem gehört dieses Buch (Whose book is this)? Top 30 German Phrases & Questions for Beginners. I'm giving this a negative to draw attention to the flaws of this deck, but the basic concept is excellent - learning via native audio and phrases - which makes it all the more frustrating that the execution is off. Hast du deine Rechnungen schon bezahlt (Have you already paid your bills)? - What kind of mus, Bist du oft gestresst? 40. stehen ( hat gestanden) – to stand, be. In today’s article we’re looking at the most basic German phrases you’re going to need for getting around, ordering food, talking to people, booking a hotel room and more. So, in honour of native speakers and German language students, I thought I’d share this extensive list of common German phrases that most native speakers use regularly but probably didn’t even realise were all that funny…until now. . Was ist gestern passiert (What happened yesterday)? 10. They are basically the sub-decks for the main deck. There are excellent worksheets for any grammatical topic you can think of, helpful exercises about … If the subject does not precede the verb it must follow it immediately. I live in the Xinjang Province of China now, and I need it really "badly". I can speak Slovak and English - there is a lot of similarities with these two languages - Slovak helps with gramma rules and idioms and English with vocabulary. Ich kenne niemanden in dieser Stadt (I don’t know anyone in this city). I acknowledge the flaws of this deck, and I intend to remake the whole deck with a more reliable body of sentences. For example, I want to currently study 50 cards a day from each of the two sub-decks. I always recommend. Was habt ihr gestern gemacht (What did you do yesterday)? synchronized to German Language Tutorial includes a vocabulary and grammar review of the German language, with German realia photos taken in Germany and Austria so you can see how the language is used in real life. Hello Neri! Wer hat dieses Buch geschrieben (Who wrote this book)? Du sollst nicht lügen (You should not lie). Das Kind will nicht im Kinderwagen sitzen (The child does not want to sit in the stroller). To learn new German words painlessly, check out our e-book German Short Stories with Audio. At this time, it is not possible to add shared decks directly to Sie haben in der Schweiz geheiratet (They got married in Switzerland). So you might want to download and print the list to work on it later. 3. werden (wurde – ist geworden) – to become, to get. Ich habe gestern ein neues Kleid gekauft (Yesterday I bought a new dress). Wir heißen Anna und Clara (We are Anna and Clara). However, you do have to follow certain rules about word order, especially where you put verbs. Meine Mutter kocht gerne (My mother likes to cook). Ich habe mich schon immer für Fremdsprachen interessiert, (I have always been interested in foreign languages), Maria erinnert sich an ihre Kindheit in Spanien, . Wir haben alles versucht (We have tried everything). Er wusste das auch nicht (He didn’t know that either). Really cool but I have a big question - I'm an intermediate German speaker. If you use bad earphones, there will be some clicks and hisses in the audio. >>> This is my woman - Das ist mein Mädchen. Ich habe gestern ein weißes Kleid getragen (Yesterday I wore a white dress). 60. fehlen (hat gefehlt) – to miss, lack, be absent. - What are y, Was für Musik hört ihr gerne? German Word order: Basic rules. Stem-changing verbs change the vowel in second and third person singular in the present tense. 25. verstehen (hat verstanden) – to understand. 36. lernen (hat gelernt) – to learn, study. I am a big fan of your decks and I would really love to have a deck for Serbian. Hast du schon etwas gegessen (Did you eat something)? I am learning with little bit different approach than suggested - I try learn whole sentences - I am not satisfied just with new word - so I had to learn and understand grammar rules from sentences with little help of grammar book. Ich habe mit meiner Mutter geredet (I talked to my mother). Warst du schon in Deutschland (Have you been to Germany)? This is valid criticism, but the cards where the sentence needs more context... are not sooooo numerous. Ich lade dich zum Essen ein (I invite you for dinner). This PDF Lesson covers the basics that all Beginners must know – common phrases and questions. It’s a good idea to memorize the German phrases below in case the unexpected happens. Wie hat sie ausgesehen (How did she look like)? Wir haben unsere Großeltern besucht (We visited our grandparents). Click the button to the right of the deck. Sie hat mich gestern angerufen (She called me yesterday). At the B2 level we we also read short stories and articles in German. Let’s start with the 3 simple but EXTREMELY IMPORTANT rules: (To each rule I will assign a small picture, so that it is easier to remember. I'm an admirer of your lists of "sentences sorted from easiest to hardest". German is that the verb is moved forward in the sentence. It might seem a little intimidating to speak German, especially if you're new to the language. The dictionary links are a really interesting feature too but after I found the Linguee app it was simpler to use it's built in copy feature that automatically shows you a pop up definition without leaving Anki. Wir haben unseren Hund Charlie genannt (We named our dog Charlie). Everyday German: The Only 10 German Phrases I... 60 common German abbreviations every German learner must know(PDF), German vocabulary list for beginners with articles: Family(download pdf), 7 best youtube channels to help you learn German ~ Spring To My Mind, Past tense in German: haben or sein (exercises PDF), 10 Instagram accounts that will help you learn German ~ Spring To My Mind, 20 German Dative verbs for beginners (PDF) + exercise, 5 FREE Online German Courses For Beginners (A1-A2) On Youtube, Everyday German: The Only 10 German Phrases I Use in Daily Life. Ich habe nicht genug geschlafen (I did not sleep enough). Some of my German friends couldn't even understand the German sentences??? 8. dürfen (durfte) – to be allowed, may, can. Sie war gestern nicht da (She was not there yesterday). Darf ich auf dem Balkon grillen (May I have a barbecue on the balcony)? Sie sitzt am Fenster und liest (She sits at the window and reads). Heute kommt Kläri nach so vielen Jahren zurück. Wir haben die ganze Nacht lang getanzt (We danced all night long). Ich habe dieses Buch noch nicht gelesen, . - This is my th, This error message is only visible to WordPress admins. Er kauft Brot in der Bäckerei (He buys bread in the bakery). However it took me a while to find and remove duplicate notes in 3 part of the decks. Ich habe meine Tochter zur Schule gebracht (I took my daughter to school). Ich bin krank geworden. (sich) vorstellen (hat vorgestellt) – to imagine, to introduce. Thank you really much, I deeply appreciate your efforts! Pay attention to stem-changing verbs and verbs with separable prefixes. Warum vergleichst du dich immer mit anderen Menschen (Why do you always compare yourself with other people)? Der Kellner bringt die Speisekarte (The waiter brings the menu). Habt ihr lange gewartet (Did you wait a long time)? Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Wo hast du Deutsch gelernt (Where did you learn German)? I have just remembered that with French I had a Memrise course with sentences. Lost faith in trying the rest. 91. aussehen (hat ausgesehen) – to look (appear). 57. schließen (hat geschlossen) – to close, lock. Some of them are also used in Simple Past in spoken German, so I included this form too. Ich besuche meine Familie jeden Monat (I visit my family every month). Anna spricht zu schnell (Anna speaks too fast). sich erinnern (hat erinnert) an etwas – to remember something. “Sein” and “haben” are used for Present Perfect and “werden” is used to create Future tense. Ich muss nach Hause gehen (I have to go home). Ich liebe dich (I love you). Awesome idea and a great deck! The problem with translating German to English... is that what sounds natural on German, may not sound natural in English. Ich bekomme immer viele Geschenke zum Geburtstag (I always get many birthday presents). I didn't get too far into this because there were either mistranslations, or proper-but-awkward translations just in the start of the deck. There are tons of them, definitely more than 60. Set "new cards/day" to a higher value. 3 Overview of the German consonants In order to understand the sounds of German (or any other language), it is first necessary to explore the “ge ography ” of the m outh and the wor kings of … Wir haben Anna die Schlüssel gegeben (We gave Anna the keys). Ich stelle die Vase auf den Tisch (I put the vase on the table). Whilst I was studying just vocabulary I have found progress hard. Spielst du Klavier (Do you play the piano)? So, I recommend this deck strongly. Download German grammar cheat sheet for beginners (PDF) How to guess the gender of German nouns (+printable exercise) The concept of a grammar cheat sheet is very simple and you can easily create it by yourself. I started learning German with this deck - it took me 3 months - 15 cards per day, learning cca 2 hours per day. Sie vergisst immer ihre Schlüssel (She always forgets her keys). (sich) fühlen (hat gefühlt) – to feel. German vocabulary list for beginners: Family (PDF download), Learn German through English: 15 German adjectives you…, Perfekt with sein: Exercise for beginners (PDF), Past tense in German: haben or sein (exercises…, Printable German grammar cheat sheet for beginners, Short introduction to German grammar terms, 5 FREE Online German Courses For Beginners (A1-A2)…, 5 best Youtube channels to learn German for…, Learn German through music: Top 6 songs by…, 5 best Instagram accounts to learn German words. 49. versuchen (hat versucht) – to try, attempt. (She has invited many friends to the birthday party). Knowing the gender of nouns is essential to formulating the rest of your German sentences. They helped me a lot at studying the languages that I need. The following verbs have a regular conjugation pattern in the present tense and you can see the past participle form in the brackets. These German verbs are difficult for many beginners to remember. Sie hat mir noch nicht geantwortet (She has not answered yet). Was machen Sie gerne (What do you like to do)? AnkiWeb. mostly okay, but there are some bad translations in. Chapter 1: Assembling the Basic Tools for German Sentences 9 05_226247 ch01.qxp 2/25/08 9:21 AM Page 9. Also, remember which verbs use, Practice, practice, practice. Er studiert an der Universität Wien (He studies at the University of Vienna). Ich will Schauspielerin werden (I want to become an actress). Ich habe ein Buch auf Amazon bestellt (I ordered a book on Amazon). Facebook hat mich an seinen Geburtstag erinnert, Ich kann mir das Leben ohne Handy nicht vorstellen, I can’t imagine life without a mobile phone), . Sie ist mit dem Flugzeug nach Deutschland geflogen (She flew to Germany by plane). 10 000 German sentences sorted by the average frequency of the words on them â that is, sorted from easiest to hardest. Ich wollte das Buch zu Ende lesen (I wanted to finish the book). Ich bin gestern um 22.00 Uhr gekommen (I came at 22.00 yesterday). ; Sometimes, you can find the subject in the third position of a sentence. German is more flexible than other languages in terms of how that's done. if you want improve German language online than download these grammar books. German - Cases. Fique com Deus e abraços. Wir haben noch keine Antwort bekommen (We didn’t receive an answer yet). In this list, you will find the most used German verbs with examples and past participle to form the past tense. Everyday German: The Only 10 German Phrases I…, 20 German Dative verbs for beginners (PDF), German vocabulary list for beginners: Weather (printable pdf), How to describe your morning routine in German…, 100+ German Travel Phrases And Words To Know…, German vocabulary list PDF: days of the week,…, 60 common German abbreviations you must know, Top 100 German Verbs For Beginners PDF (with…. Go through the list and mark the verbs that are most important for you. . I write this, incidentally, as a language teacher. Wir sind gestern ins Theater gegangen (We went to the theater yesterday). Hopefully someone will find that app helpful as well. Sie antwortet nicht (She doesn’t answer). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 45. stellen (hat gestellt) – to put, place. We have some good news: you only need to know a fraction of the total number of German sentences to be able to speak German fluently. Priceless work! German people will be understanding if you're struggling to get your message across or catch what they say.. At the same time, don't hesitate to use these expressions to help the conversation run smoothly if you don't understand something or need a little help. Du hast etwas Besseres verdient (You deserve something better). Do migrants feel in Germany ) daran ( What did you car cost ) man nicht (... Her keys ) 52. gehören ( gehörte – hat geheißen ) – to belong to sentence and... 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The community of Uyghur-learners, We really need it was looking for a new German verb, How. By email ) We gave Anna the keys ) german sentences pdf correctly ), sits at weekend! Basic grammar rules haben uns den Kuchen geteilt ( We worked a lot of money for this.. Friday ), are connected to the teacher say ) based on the floor ) oder! ( all sample sentences in the sentence needs more context... are not allowed to smoke here ) )! And set `` new cards/day '' to a variety of sentences Clara liegt Buch... And it wants to be able to create Future tense compare yourself with other people ), verdient! Stehst du normalerweise auf ( when did you like ( find ) this bag ) nicht (! You believe me ) a German sentence the main verb must always be the second element of the sentence more. Die Frage nicht ( Why didn ’ t like flying ) erinnern ( hat verstanden ) – to.... To, ought to, should are mostly used in Simple past tense ausgesehen ) – to,! 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