The AKS cluster deployment can be fully automated using Terraform. You can replace the values with your preferred private IP blocks. Below I have a code that deploy a Windows Virtual Machine to Microsoft Azure. Figure 1 below shows this high-level AKS authentication flow when integrated with Azure Active Directory. Updating the Terraform Configurations. From the command prompt of the pod, try to access the httpbin service over port 8000. It allows customers to focus on application development and deployment, rather than the nitty gritties of Kubernetes cluster management. The output shows that the nodes are deployed across two availability zones in Western Europe. On the Set up single sign-on with SAML page, in the SAML Signing Certificate section, find Certificate (Base64) and select Download to download the certificate and save it on your computer. This guide explains how to configure Active Directory Federated Services (ADFS) in order to use it as an Identity Provider (IdP) for Terraform Enterprise's SAML authentication feature. If you need to set up Terraform on your Windows or macOS machine please visit the following post. Terraform is an open-source Infrastructure as a service (IaaC) tool, mainly used to provision and configure infrastructure in the various cloud platforms. These values are not real. Microsoft Graph models resources much closer to their current implementation than Azure Active Directory Graph, which has been, to a degree, feature frozen and unable to maintain compatibility in some cases. Scenario description. Following are the prerequisites for the deployment of the AKS cluster: Azure subscription access: It is recommended that users with contributor rights run the Terraform scripts. On the left navigation pane, select the Azure Active Directory service. Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. In the Identifier (Entity ID) text box, type a URL using the following pattern: When you click the Terraform Enterprise tile in the Access Panel, you should be automatically signed in to the Terraform Enterprise for which you set up SSO. With Terraform, we use.TFS files to describe our infrastructure and use Terraform to create it. https:///users/saml/metadata. Run the following command to get the cluster credentials before testing Azure AD integration. Calico network policy helps enhance security posture of line-of-business applications deployed in AKS by ensuring that only legit traffic reaches your workloads. To use Terraform for Azure deployment (or any other public cloud) we use.TF files that that contain all the needed configuration. The code will add a new GPO and OU and assign the GPO to the OU, among other tasks. Tutorial: Azure Active Directory single sign-on (SSO) integration with Terraform Cloud Prerequisites. NOTE: If you're authenticating using a Service Principal then it must have permissions to Read directory data within the Windows Azure Active Directory API. Adding API Permissions to Azure Active Directory; Challenge Answers; End of Lab 5; Introduction. Rather not use ENV vars. To enable the Azure AD integration we need to provide the server application, client application, and Azure AD tenant details. address_space and address_prefixes: This refers to the address space for the VNet and subnet. Is there an easy way to access this in a terraform file? Download the Terraform files from the GitHub repository to your Cloud Shell session and edit the configuration parameters in accordance with your AKS cluster deployment requirements. Customers can also choose between two types of network policies: Azure (native) or Calico network policies (open source). Last week Hashicorp released version 0.13 of Terraform which from my opinion ended a journey started in 0.12 with the availability of the ‘for’ expressions. Enter the code in the device login page followed by your Azure AD login credentials: Note that only users in the dev group will be able to log in through this process. With identity considered the new security perimeter, customers are now opting to use Azure AD for authentication and authorization of cloud-native deployments. NOTE: If you're authenticating using a Service Principal then it must have permissions to both Read and write all applications and Sign in and read user profile within the Windows Azure Active Directory API. By default, all pods in an AKS cluster can communicate with each other without any restrictions. The provider remains backwards compatible with Terraform v0.11 and there should not be any significant behavioural changes. $ mkdir -p $GOPATH /src/; cd $GOPATH /src/ $ git clone Change to the clone directory and run make tools to install the dependent tooling needed to test and build the provider. To configure and test Azure AD SSO with Terraform Enterprise, complete the following building blocks: Follow these steps to enable Azure AD SSO in the Azure portal. The following Terraform code will be used in the AKS cluster definition to enable Calico network policies. These labs have been updated soon for 0.12 compliant HCL. In the Sign on URL text box, type a URL using the following pattern: The Azure Active Directory Data Sources and Resources have been split out into the new Provider - which means the name of the Data Sources and Resources has changed slightly. This blog post describes how to script the deployment of an AKS cluster, using RBAC + Azure AD with Terraform and Azure … Please enable Javascript to use this application This module also creates an Active Directory Forest using a … With the admin kubeconfig, create a development and production Kubernetes namespace. Note that you will need an appropriate Azure Active Directory role to read group information if specifying a value for the terraform_state_aad_group variable. BUG FIXES: To configure the integration of Terraform Enterprise into Azure AD, you need to add Terraform Enterprise from the gallery to your list of managed SaaS apps. var.client_app_id: This variable refers to the client app ID of the Azure AD client application which was mentioned in the prerequisites section. This can be achieved by implementing network policies in a Kubernetes cluster. Become A Software Engineer At Top Companies. will be shown in the command line: is a label associated with Kubernetes nodes that indicates the zone in which it is deployed. You can type “exit” to exit and delete the pod after testing. Most Windows admins currently use tools like PowerShell to perform bulk management. Control in Azure AD who has access to Terraform Enterprise. On the Basic SAML Configuration section, enter the values for the following fields: a. While Azure network policies are supported only in Azure CNI, Calico is supported in both Kubenet- and Azure CNI-based network implementations. If you don't have a subscription, you can get a. Terraform Enterprise single sign-on (SSO) enabled subscription. If you're expecting any role value in the SAML assertion, in the Select Role dialog, select the appropriate role for the user from the list and then click the Select button at the bottom of the screen. 0.3.0 (April 18, 2019) NOTES: This release includes a Terraform SDK upgrade with compatibility for Terraform v0.12. Scenario description. The value here should be between 1 and 100. Manage your accounts in one central location - the Azure portal. Azure AD integration is crucial for unifying the identity management of the cluster, as customers can continue to leverage their investments in Azure AD for managing AKS workloads as well. Once successfully deployed, the details of the cluster, network, etc. Note that you will need an appropriate Azure Active Directory role to read group information if specifying a value for the terraform_state_aad_group variable. It supports AWS, Microsoft Azure and GCP… Having used Terraform in the past this immediately piqued my interest and this post will be an exploration of what the provider can do. On the Select a single sign-on method page, select SAML. type: This should be set to VirtualMachineScaleSets so that the VMs can be distributed across availability zones. var.server_app_id: This variable refers to the server app ID of the Azure AD server application which was mentioned in the prerequisites section. AAD will automatically redirect to your new application settings. Provide a name for the application and click "Add". Identify your strengths with a free online coding quiz, and skip resume and recruiter screens at multiple companies at once. Terraform provider for Azure Active Directory. Run the following kubectl command to see the Azure AD integration in action: To test Calico network policy, create an httpbin service and deployment in a namespace using the, Create a network policy which restricts all inbound access to the deployment using. For a more in-depth understanding of Terraform syntax, refer to the Terraform documentation. In the Azure portal, select Enterprise Applications, and then select All applications. Replace the groupObjectId with the resource ID of the previously created group and apply the rolebinding.yaml file. Other changes and improvements are the following ones: Private cluster support Managed control plane SKU tier support Windows node pool support Node labels support addon_profile section parameterized -> … Terraform usage from Cloud Shell: Azure Cloud Shell has Terraform installed by default in the bash environment. network_policy: The value should be set to calico since we’ll be using Calico network policies. In this section, you'll create a test user in the Azure portal called B.Simon. NOTE: Version 1.0 and above of this provider requires Terraform 0.12 or later. And indeed my SP has this permission: Yet when I am running terraform apply as this SP I get the following: Manages an App Role associated with an Application within Azure Active Directory. node_count: This refers to the initial amount of nodes to be deployed in the node pool. By default, it returns a dynamically generated client_id and client_secret without testing whether they've fully propagated for use in Azure Active Directory. These features are key for ensuring the production readiness of your AKS cluster. In this section, you test your Azure AD single sign-on configuration using the Access Panel. » Configuration (Microsoft Azure AD) Sign in to the Azure portal. For SSO to work, you need to establish a link relationship between an Azure AD user and the related user in Terraform Enterprise. Once we finish creating our SPN, we must create our Azure Resource Group (RG) to store everything in. © 2020 Coder Society® GmbH. The values that change across deployments can be defined as variables and are either provided through a variables file or during runtime when the Terraform templates are applied. His analytical, organized, and people-oriented nature makes him an apt advisor on software projects and flexible staffing. In the Users and groups dialog, select B.Simon from the Users list, then click the Select button at the bottom of the screen. An Azure AD subscription. Azure Kubernetes Services supports Kubernetes RBAC with Azure Active Directory integration, that allows to bind ClusterRole and Role to subjects like Azure Active Directory users and groups. To get started, you need the following items: In this tutorial, you configure and test Azure AD SSO in a test environment. The cluster control plane is deployed and managed by Microsoft while the node and node pools where the applications are deployed, are handled by the customer. Stars. The server application serves as the endpoint for identity requests, while the client application is used for authentication when users try to access the AKS cluster via the kubectl command. We can use azuread provider to create an application in the B2C directory. Select "Non-gallery application". Azure Kubernetes Services supports Kubernetes RBAC with Azure Active Directory integration, that allows to bind ClusterRole and Role to subjects like Azure Active Directory users and groups. Azure AD server and client application: OpenID Connect is used to integrate Azure Active Directory with the AKS cluster. If you were working through the original set of labs then go to Terraform on Azure - Pre 0.12. Provide a name for the application and click "Add". Following are the prerequisites for the deployment of the AKS cluster: Azure subscription access: It is recommended that users with contributor rights run the Terraform scripts. Two Azure AD applications are required to enable this: a server application and a client application. This terraform module is designed to deploy azure Windows 2012R2/2016/2019 virtual machines with Public IP, Availability Set and Network Security Group support. Availability zones, Azure AD integration, and Calico network policies all help to achieve high availability, seamless identity management, and advanced network traffic management for applications deployed in AKS. Create a new test pod, but this time with labels matching the ingress rules. For our latest insights and updates, follow us on LinkedIn. Create a new pod and test access to the httpbin service. Azure Active Directory: Migrating to the AzureAD Provider Azure Provider: Authenticating via a Service Principal and a Client Certificate ... At this point running either terraform plan or terraform apply should allow Terraform to run using the Azure CLI to authenticate. I am trying to build a Key Vault resource and associate to my service principal in azure. Restricted permissions may lead to deployment failures. In the Add from the gallery section, type Terraform Cloud in the search box. Automating Active Directory allows administrators to perform actions in bulk for various Active Directory objects. Learn how to use Terraform to manage a highly-available Azure AKS Kubernetes cluster with Azure AD integration and Calico network policies enabled. This eliminates the need for multiple credentials when deploying and managing workloads in an AKS cluster. Azure Virtual Machine with Active Directory forest Terraform Module. To add new application, select New application. This will contain the storage account for our State File as well as our Key Vault. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to integrate Terraform Enterprise with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). On the left navigation pane, select the Azure Active Directory service. You can use your favorite text editor like vim or use the code editor in Azure Cloud Shell to write the Terraform templates. The access will timeout. Getting Started With Terraform And The Active Directory Provider. Terraform on Azure documentation. However, in production, customers would want to restrict this traffic for security reasons. If you don't have a subscription, you can get a free account. There is no action item for you in this section. The Azure Active Directory Graph is deprecated and will at some point be switched off. 161. The great thing about Terraform is that it automatically downloads the providers that are called by your HCL code. Kentaro is CEO and Solutions Architect at Coder Society. Enable your users to be automatically signed-in to Terraform Enterprise with their Azure AD accounts. This module also creates an Active Directory Forest using a … In the Add Assignment dialog, click the Assign button. If you don't have a subscription, you can get a free account. It delivers a consistent, unified experience for authentication and authorization. Today I want to try to use Terraform to automate the app registration process in Azure Active Directory. Contact Terraform Enterprise Client support team to get these values. The variables min_count and max_count should be set to define the minimum and maximum node count within the node pool. The Azure cloud is deeply tied to Active Directory, and Microsoft presents it to you in a blade called “Azure Active Directory”. Configure and test Azure AD SSO with Terraform Enterprise using a test user called B.Simon. Azure Virtual Machine with Active Directory forest Terraform Module. When you integrate Terraform Enterprise with Azure AD, you can: To learn more about SaaS app integration with Azure AD, see What is application access and single sign-on with Azure Active Directory. In the Azure portal, navigate to "Azure Active Directory" > "Enterprise Applications" and select "Add an Application". Terraform is an Infrastructure As Code open-source tool that allows us to create, manage and delete infrastructure resources as code. An Azure AD subscription. From the left pane in the Azure portal, select. Navigate to Enterprise Applications and then select All Applications. Note: The Terraform template as well as the variable and output files for this deployment are all available in the GitHub repository. Go to to learn more about the Terraform Azure Stack Provider. In this Friday blog post about Terraform, we will learn how to create a user in Azure Active Directory with Terraform. Continuing with Terraform posts, today, I will show you how to create an Azure Active Directory group with Terraform. Navigate to "Single sign-on" and select "SAML". Update these values with the actual Sign on URL and Identifier. AAD will automatically redirect to your new application settings. Do we have any plan to support Azure Active Directory B2C? In the Azure portal, navigate to "Azure Active Directory" > "Enterprise Applications" and select "Add an Application". Let’s take a look at the key AKS features we’ll be covering in this article. Release fixing metadata to register the provider as compatible with Terraform 0.12. My future me will be pleased about this at some point. AKS clusters can be integrated with Azure Active Directory so that users can be granted access to namespaces in the cluster or cluster-level resources using their existing Azure AD credentials. Other changes and improvements are the following ones: Private cluster support Managed control plane SKU tier support Windows node pool support Node labels support addon_profile section parameterized -> … var.server_app_secret: This variable refers to the secret created for the Azure AD server application. Learn how to use Terraform to reliably provision virtual machines and other infrastructure on Azure. Azure VNet and subnet). resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "demo" {, name = "${var.prefix}-network", location = azurerm_resource_group.demo.location, resource_group_name =, name = "${var.prefix}-akssubnet", virtual_network_name =, resource_group_name =, server_app_secret = var.server_app_secret, type = "VirtualMachineScaleSets", or change modules or backend configuration, command to reinitialize your working directory, commands will detect it and remind you to, refreshed state will be used to calculate, persisted to local or remote state storage, execution plan has been generated and is shown below, enforce_private_link_endpoint_network_policies, enforce_private_link_service_network_policies, your infrastructure has been saved to the path, state is required to modify and destroy your, 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, Configure the Azure Active Directory integration, "Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster User Role", "", "/subscriptions/a7a456e9-0307-4196-b786-5a33ce52b5fd/resourcegroups/cs-rg/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/cs-aks", "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", 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